Hole #7 - 341 feet - Par 5
Tee - go East of Hole #6 to small creek crossing, go over creek and turn
left, tee is on left side of fairway
Basket - straight East past small tree on right side of fairway Description
- Signature Hole First Hole Designed - "It just looks like a fairway"
- thick rough on right side and during the summer very thick grass on
the left side - hope you can throw straight - trees and out of bounds
along the entire right side
Hole #8 - 298 feet - Par 4
Tee - go East of Hole #7
Basket - straight Southeast with basket hidden behind a small group of
Description - straight shot with wide open left side and thick rough with
out of bounds on right side - get behind the small group of trees for
an easy deuce
Hole #9 - 162 feet - Par 3
Tee - go North of Hole #8 along Geneseo Creek - tee on right side next
to tree line
Basket - straight North
Description - nice and easy for both right and left hand players - birdie
Front 9 - 2310 feet Par 35 (27)
Hole #10 - 319 feet - Par 5
Tee - go West from Hole #9 to creek crossing, then turn right and walk
about 200 ft along Geneseo Creek - tee on right side next to tree line
Basket - "You can not see the basket" - the basket you can see is for
#17 - Hole #10 basket is tucked in the trees on the right in the far corner
of thefairway - you should walk ahead and look at this one
Description - lots of plastic lost in Geneseo Creek on the right - wide
open on the left - let it all hang out and go for the eagle
Hole #11 - 137 feet - Par 3
Tee - from the #10 basket turn around and go up the hill with the small
opening and path - the tee is at the top of the hill on the left side
in the corner
Basket - North of the tee behind the trees - totally blind shot
Description - Right-hand player's dream shot, nice easy hyzer - Left-hand
player's nightmare, better work on the forehand
Hole #12 - 159 feet - Par 3
Tee - from the #11 basket turn around and go East to top of hill - along
tree line
Basket -East of the tee tucked into the trees just right of the end of
the fairway - you can not see the basket from the tee
Description - very tight fairway and hard shot for Right hand players
Hole #13 - 323 feet - Par 5
Tee - at bottom of hill to the East of Hole #12
Basket - at top of the hill to the West of the tee - you can just see
the top of the basket if you step off the tee to the left a little
Description - up big long hill with tight entrance to the fairway - watch
for players on Hole #12
Hole #14 - 254 feet - Par 4
Tee - just North of Hole #13
Basket - at bottom of hill to the East of the tee - you can not see the
basket from the tee
Description - "It would be nice if discs had air brakes" - wide open shot
to a blind basket - install air brakes before you throw - the field behind
the basket at the bottom of the hill is out of bounds
Hole #15 - 232 feet - Par 4
Tee - go North from Basket #14 towards HK Robinson Dr
Basket - straight up hill along road
Description - straight up hill shot with trees all along right side of
fairway - the outside edge of the white poles near the road is out of
Hole #16 - 237 feet - Par 3
Tee - go West from Basket #15 along road (it's at least 200 ft)
Basket - on top of hill West of the tee and just South of Shelter #1
Description - watch for players walking to #17 - straight shot to basket
- if you come up short your in the rough - if you go long it is a long
way to the end of the hill past the basket (Jeff Harper put the basket
on top of the hill)
Hole #17 - 192 feet - Par 3
Tee - from basket #16 turn around and go East to the next fairway - the
tee is near the top of the hill next to the pine tree - watch for discs
coming up short on #16
Basket - straight South at bottom of the hill
Description - easy down hill shot requiring accuracy - deep rough on the
left and lots of trees over the top - thread the needle and go for the
Hole #18 - 165 feet - Par 3
Tee - go West of basket #17 and turn right up the hill - it's just on
the other side of the tree line
Basket - on top of hill Northwest of the tee - if you step to the left
of the tee and look up to hill you will see it
Description - tough up hill shot with long sloping hill just past the
fairway - if it's a roller, it could be at the bottom of a BIG hill
Front: 2310 feet Par 35 (Pros: 27)
Back: 2025 feet Par 33 (Pros: 27)
Totals - Amateur Tees = 4335 feet - Par 68
Totals - Blue Tees = (about 5700) feet - Par 54