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- Winter Senior Nationals, Winnipeg, January 26-29
- Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, March 22-25
- Summer Senior Nationals, Winnipeg, June 8-11
- Eight from CAMO are 2006 Junior Carded Athletes, October 24
- Seven athletes from CAMO are on the 2007 National Senior Team, October 26
- International CAMO Invitational 2006

- Winter Senior Nationals, Quebec, March 24-27
- XI FINA World Championships, Montreal, July 17-31
- International CAMO Invitational 2005, December 8-11
- Other 2005 Press Coverage

- The 14th FINA Diving World Cup 2004, Athens, February 18-22
- The Spain FINA Grand Prix, Madrid, March 18-21
- The Winter Senior Nationals, Calgary, March 25-28
- Canada Cup, Victoria, April 29-May 2
- The USA Diving Grand Prix, Woodlands, May 6-9
- The FINA Grand Prix Superfinal, Mexico, June 19-20
- The Olympic Games, Athens, August 14-28
- International CAMO Invitational 2004, December 3-5
- Other 2004 Press Coverage

- International CAMO Invitational 2003, December 4-7
- The Pan American Games, Santo Domingo, August 6-10
- 2003 World Aquatic Championships, Barcelona, July 13-20
- FINA Diving Grand Prix 2003 Super Final, Tultitlan, Mexico, June 14-15
- Summer Senior Nationals, Winnipeg, June 5-8
- Canada Cup, Victoria, May 2-4
- Mexico FINA Grand Prix, Juarez City, May 16-18
- 2003 Press Coverage.

- The German FINA Grand Prix, March 1-3. Photos of the return to Montreal
- The Senior Winter National Diving Championships, Quebec, March 21-25
- The Canada Cup, Montreal, May 3-5
- The USA Grand Prix, May 9-12
- The 2002 Canada/USA Junior Challenge, May 24-26
- The 2002 Senior Summer National Diving Championships, June 6-9
- The 13th FINA Diving World Cup, Seville, Spain, June 25-29
- The 2002 Junior National Championships, St. John's, Newfoundland, July 11-14
- The XVII Commonwealth Games, Manchester, England, July 25-27
- The World Junior Diving Championships, Aachen, Germany, August 14-18
- The International Camo Invitational 2002, December 6-8
- Other 2002 Press Coverage.

- 2001 International CAMO Invitational, December 7-9
- The The Pan Am Junior Diving Championships, Mexico, August 8-12
- The 9th FINA World Championships, Fukuoka, Japan, July 23-29
- The Junior Nationals
- The Senior Summer National Diving Championships
- The Senior Winter National Diving Championships
- Other 2001 Press Coverage

- 2000 International CAMO Invitational, December 8-10
- The Olympic Games, September 25-30
- 2000 Canada Cup FINA Diving Grand Prix May 5-7
- The Canada's Olympic diving team trials June 9 and 11
- The 2000 Press Coverage.

- The 1999 International CAMO Invitational December 10-12
- 1999 Canada Cup FINA Diving Grand Prix April 29 - May 2
- The 1999 Press Coverage

- second edition of the International CAMO Invitational December 9-13.

Consult our LINKS page.

CAMO Diving Club:
1000 av. Emile-Journault, Montreal, Que. Canada H2M 2E7
Telephone : (514)872-1838 ; fax : (514) 872-1837

What you can see on these pages is made available for the sole agreement of divings fans. The informations are coming from various sources, always indicated. Newspapers articles and photos are of course the property of the editors but we count on their tolerance to allow us to leave them here for the benefit of diving fans. But I will withdraw them if asked. Don't hesitate to establish a link with your own WWW page.The structure of these informations is a work protected by the Canadian Copyright Law.
Copyright © Guy Maguire, 1998-2006. All rights reserved.

page mise à jour le 19 novembre 2008

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