Top 10 Pet Peeves of Hockey Goaltenders * Drunk fans who toss Hostess Ding Dongs towards the net.
* Players at parties who want to turn mask upside down and fill it up with bean dip.
* Pads give appearance that they have really big butts.
* T-shirts that say, "Goaltenders do it with their glove hand".
* Every day, for the rest of their life, they will not have a good reason for dropping anything ever again.
* Frostbite caused by leg split.
* When trainer replaces normal water in bottle with sparkling Folger's Crystals.
* Goal judges at away games who constantly make wisecracks about "burning out the goal lamp".
* Fans who ask, "Can I have your autograph, Mr. Roy???" 02
* When jealous back-up goalie follows them around in locker room screaming, "Hey, glove THIS, pal!!!".