Susanne's Rangers Page

"Repeat after me: I'm a wiggly worm, sir"-The Beloved Mr. Knowledge

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1993-1994 Stanley Cup Champions =)

This site is always under some kind of construction, since I'm always putting in new pictures and hopefully I'll have a lot more sites up.

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Anyway, this webpage is dedicated to the COOLEST hockey team on, not the NJ Devils (ewwwww) or the Philadelphia Flyers (shiver shiver), but our very own New York Rangers!!!!!!!

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(Wayne Gretzky and Brian Leetch on Opening Night 1998)

If you are a fan of the New Jersey Devils, Philadelphia Flyers, New York Islanders or the Pittsburgh Penguins, then GET OUT!!!!!!! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, school has started, and since I actually wanna go to a good college, I have to study and work on my schoolwork a little more than I have before (for those who don't know, I'm a junior, and junior year is really important.....), so I won't be updating this page any longer (or at least until school is over). SORRY GUYS! I don't know how long this page is going to stay up either, so if I don't think I think this page isn't worth it for people to look at, I'm going to tear it down. 

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First Things First


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Last Game: Penguins 2, Rangers 1 (OT)

   Get the boxscore of the game here.

    Get the recap of the game here.

Next Game: Rangers vs. Oilers, October 1st at 9:00 EST on MSG

Note: Wayne Gretzky will be honored for his phenomenal career at a special pre-game ceremony before the game begins.

7updot.gif (2403 bytes)In Today's Rangers News...

-Fleury a Ranger! Click here for more

-Rangers sign Jan Hlavac... Click here for more

-Lefebvre joins list of Rangers free agents... Click here for more

Be sure to check back on this website, as I will start my tribute to the greatest hockey player in the World, Wayne Gretzky (and yes, I am fully aware that I'm around 2-3 months late).  Take a look at ESPN's coverage of his retirement also; it's quite nice.

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Note: If you don't feel like memorizing this long address to get to my site, you can now get here by simply typing in  Isn't technology cool these days or what???

Make sure that you guys rent the video for those who have not seen At First Sight (starring Val Kilmer and Oscar Winner Mira Sorvino) yet! Click here to see their official website.  It's a movie all Rangers Fans should watch (and for all Val Kilmer fans too, snicker snicker)!


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You are the th person to beat the Islanders.

Happy Blueshirt Birthday this month to Mike Knuble (7/4, turning 27), Rumun Ndur (7/7, turning 22) and Eric Lacroix (7/15, turning 28)!!!! =)

mailbutton.gif (404 bytes) Questions? Comments? Anything? Email Me.

Copyright 1999.  All Rights Reserved.  This site and the pages that goes with this site cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form.  I am not affiliated in any way with the New York Rangers