Name: JustAKAIN

Real Name:David

From:Richmond, Kentucky

Been in JustA: ince January 1999

Fave Rise of Rome civ: Summerian, Minoan or hitite

Least favorite ror civ to play against: Hitite or Roman

Favorite ROR unit: Peon or Villager and Priest

Favorite AOK civ: Chinese or Teutons

Least Favorite Aok civ: Byzantines or Goths

Favorite AOK unit: Priests

Favorite gaming snack : indivedualy packaged snickers bites

Alias/known smurf names:RNP_KAIN, KAIN, and many more

Longest game played: 4hours

How chose justa name: misspelled citizen Cain

Favorite JustA to talk to: All

Zone enemies: none

Famous Quote:

Interesting Fact: If u ever need too talk about your problems ask me I can probably help :)