Name:El Chico Loco

From: Souyh of the Border

Ht.: 5'10"

Wgt.: 160lbs.

Famous Quote: "Se' senior i am very loco"

Finishing Move:

Interesting Fact: EL Chico Loco is the only person that is known to been able to kill an El Chucacabre.


After the monster known as El Chupacabre showed up in thr I.A.W.A. , wrestler Spider Monkey was seen backstage placing a phone call. A few weeks later a mysterious masked man appeared on the scene.The scared looks that had been on the faces of the Mexicans suddenly seemed almost happy,kinda like the look they get after a visit to the crackhouse. And the monster El Chupacabre all of a sudden hasnt shown his face as much of late.