Name: Psycho Bundy

From: ARH Mental Ward, Hazard, Ky

Ht.: 6'2"

Wgt.: 230lbs.

Famous Quote: "SLUTS!!!!!!!!!"

Interesting Fact: Has never one a spelling bee.

Finishing Move: Bundy Bomb/Bundy Superkick


Not much is known about the man called Psycho (except his shirt says Pycho) Bundy, except he carries around a large stick he carries called "Assbeater", a spermy spider he calls "Pycho Bob", and that he keeps his allowance in a smelly sock he likes to hit people with. The only other bit of info we know is that owner Combs' used his influence to get him taken out of the mental ward and put into his care.

Psycho Bundy would have been heavyweight champion long ago if not more concerned with his spermy plastic spider, hitting himself with pizza pans, or something other than the match. He is "batting .500" so to speak, as he has an even record.