Oh hell, another week and another article. I sure wished like hell I would get my first payday. Been here almost a damn year and still have yet to get my first payday. My Y2K stockpile is just about gone. Sombitch better hurry and pay me.
Proper respects go out to Little Dragon. This young man was tragically taken from us when he fell into the Red River and drowned. This young man never stepped foot into the open air arena, though the contract was signed and was waiting for the world tour to end. I knew this man well for me and him worked together before and was the main recruiter in luring him to the fed. He will be sorely missed and will always be a member of the IAWA family.
Though me and you have had alot of heat between us lately, I would just like to tell The Masked Maraurder that you are pretty f'n funny. I know, I know, it sounds like I am kissing his ass, but that is not what I am doing. I just want to tell him he is pretty cool. BUT, I still have to let him know that going off on talent isnt cool, until you prove yourself, you shouldnt run your mouth off on the "Talent" in our little corner of the world.
Mr. Jeff Bob. The all mighty president of this little company. Listen you bastard, I am fed up with your lazy ass. I left freaking Hotlanta for a "lucrative" contract that you promised me. Like I said at the beginning, I want a damn payday. Almost a freaking year and no green in my pocket. What the hell is up? If I dont get paid within a week, me and several other performers are walking the hell out of this company. I know a good fed just down the road in Bulan that could use some real talent. I dont think that you could go on with The Druid as the top performer, or better yet, El Gargantuan. You better get your head out your ass and pay somebody.