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The Official Home of
The Farmington Hillsbillies
Charter Member of the
Metro Detroit Strat Baseball League (MDSL)

"There she goes!"  Another HR by Ken Griffey Jr.
"Good-bye baseball!"  Mark McGwire has put that one in orbit again.
"It's long gone!"  Chipper Jones has just blasted another Grand Slam HR
"It's outa' here!"  Vlad Guerrero has hit another HR.
"It's going, going, gone!"  Jim Edmonds has just blasted another HR.
"There's a long drive.  Back to fence goes Robinson.  Home Run by Garciaparra"
FAR Team Roster
FAR Game and Series Results

Current Roster

Scores &

FAR Playoff Info


Hillsbilly Trades



Team News

Team History

Welcome to the official site of the Farmington Hillsbillies, members of the highly respected Metro Detroit Strat League (MDSL)FAR, known then as the Montreal Canadiens, was a charter member of the MDSL in 1981.  Since then we have undergone the following name changes:
1984: The Amazin Mets
1985: Dearborn Dodgers
1987: Redford Reds
1994: Farmington Hillsbillies

FAR has been in the World Series in 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1998 winning the World Series in 1993.


Other Baseball Links


Strat-O-Matic Game Co. Home Page


Check USAToday for the latest Baseball scores and statistics.


Comments or questions can be sent to me at: hillsbilly@yahoo.com


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