
Welcome to the official website of Olympiakos Scarborough of the Men's Ontario Soccer League. Click on the links to the right for more information on the 2001 soccer season. Team results can be found in the schedule section of the website.

News (May 01/02):

Try Outs Begin! - Tryouts for the upcoming 2002 soccer season has begun. If you are interested in trying out for Olympiakos send an email to the address below.

If you would like to be added to the Olympiakos mailing list send email to olympiakossc@geocities.com




Special Thanks to
Team Sponsor:

Greecia Carpentry Ltd

This sitewas created and is maintained by Johannes Moerman 2002.
Send comments to olympiakossc@geocities.com.
Best viewed with Internet Explorer 4+ 1024 x 768 resolution.
Last edited May 01/2002.

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