Hello, and welcome to my site. My name is Chris, and I am a "road geek". I live in Florence, Alabama. I am an amateur photographer and web site builder. The pictures on this site may not be the absolute best quality, and the site itself may not be the best designed. I just love roads and nature scenes, and taking pictures of both. With this page I hope to just share the pictures I've taken with everybody. "The Shoals" is a very beautiful place, as I believe my pictures will show.

I am currently using my space here on Geocities to keep my page full of nature pics and scenes from around the Shoals area towns. If you would like to vist my page of road pics, please go here.

If you live outside the area, or even live here and have a request for a pic of any certain place or area, just drop me a line and I will do what I can. Also, as you can probably see, I do not keep a counter on the page. It's not important to me how many people see this page. However, if you do like the page, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know. I will really appreciate it.

Here are the sections of this site currently available. A few links are dead now, but will be updated in due time. I have a busy schedule, but work on this site as much as I can. Please check back frequently for any updates. Thanks!

City/Nature Scenes

-Lauderdale County
LL-University of North Alabama
-Colbert County
LL-Muscle Shoals
-Limestone County

Copyright 2003, 2004 Christopher Holder
Any images on these pages are free for others' use. However, if you choose to use one, I ask that you please include a link to my page and give me credit. Thanks...

Last updated January 10, 2004