Alice Springs Running and Walking Club

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P.O. Box 987 Alice Springs NT 0871 Australia


star.gif (456 bytes) Introducing the club

The Alice Springs running and Walking club was established 21 years ago. Over the years, we have averaged 100+ members yearly, and many of the present members have been with the club since its inception.

We hold regular events throughout the year in both summer and winter conditions. Some events such as the Bizcom 10 Classic are run on sanctioned courses including our popular Alice Springs Marathon which often attracts overseas and interstate visitors. We also hold cross country events and fun run/walks.

All events are held in stunning countryside under clear blue skies. We have regular training sessions, both am and pm, and are presently preparing a program for a team to compete in Sydney prior to the Olympic Games on the actual games marathon course.

The Alice Springs Running and Walking Club welcomes runners and walkers of all ages and abilities, and we extend an invitation to visitors to join us in our training sessions and or club events. Contact one of the committee members or meet us on location. Training times are listed with the Events Calendar below.

Persons intending to visit Alice Springs are invited to check out the Alice Springs official web page.

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star.gif (456 bytes) Marathon

The TIO Alice Springs Marathon is one of the major events conducted by the club, and it attracts a number of Interstate and Overseas visitors. This year's event will be run on Sunday, August 20, 2000. Click here for further details .

Local competitors should phone Ian Richter at 89524277 or pick up enrty forms from Centralian Sports.

Interstate and Overseas enquiries can be directed via e-mail to Ian Richter.

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star.gif (456 bytes) Sponsors

The Alice Springs Running and Walking Club gratefully acknowledges our sponsors without whose help we would not be able to offer a wide range of quality events


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star.gif (456 bytes) 2000 committee


Sally Luchich  

89521906 (ah)

Vice President:  

Reg Powell  

89524029 (ah)


Sally Mowles  

89523071 (ah)


Viv Lunsmann  

89522300 (ah)


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star.gif (456 bytes) Links

  Australian running news presented by Runner's World

  The Central Australian games centre

  The famous US running magazine

  Coaching tips for a variety of athletic sports


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star.gif (456 bytes) Training

Regular training is conducted at Anzac Oval at the following times.

NB Warm-up and stretching commences 15 minutes prior to the specified times.

    Mornings  (all year)

        6am Monday, Wednesday, Friday


    Sunday breakfast runs

        6am Summer, 7am Winter (see newsletter or contact committee for locations)

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star.gif (456 bytes) 2000 Calendar of events









Wed Jan 26 Australia Day Fun R/W 3 Telegraph Stn 7am Sally Mowles/Reg Powell 89523071
Sat Feb 6 Sign up Day Fun Run/Walk 3/6 Town Pool 6pm Greg Mahoney/Reg Powell 89534863
Sat Feb 19 Centralian Sports 1 4 Anzac Oval 7am Sally Luchich/Greg Reval 89521906
Sat Feb 26 Centralian Sports 2 4 Anzac Oval 7am Sally Luchich/Greg Reval 89521906
Sun Mar 12 Walk series Race 1 5 YMCA 7am Ian Richter/Terry Bell 89524277
Sun Mar 26 Walk series Race 2 8 Len Kitle Drive 7am Ian Richter/Terry Bell 89524277
Sun April 2 Anzac Hill challenge 3/6 Anzac Oval 7am Sally Mowles/Margaret Orr 89523071
Sat April 15 Bizcom Classic

Run/Walk 1

10 Araluen 7am Viv Lunsman/Russell North 89522300
Sat May 6 Bizcom Classic

Run/Walk 2

10 Memo Club 7am Viv Lunsman/Russell North 89522300
Sat May 13 WISAR Women’s Run/Walk 3 A/S Desert Park 3pm Judith Dixon/Reg Powell 89550194
Sat May 20 Bizcom Classic

Run/Walk 3

10 Araluen 7am Viv Lunsman/Russell North 89522300
Sun June 4 Torch Fun Run/Walk 3 YMCA 9am Sally Mowels & committee 89523071
Sun Jun 11 Ilparpa Rd 6/16 White Gums 7am Judith Dixon/Reg Powell 89550194
Sun June 25 AMEC Half Marathon Run/Walk 21.1 White Gums 7/8am Sally Luchich/Russell North/Jo Carlesso 89521906
Sun July 9 Larpinta Trail 18.2 Anzac Oval 7am Committee 89521906
Sat July 22 10km handicap 10 Memo Club 7am Chris Bateman/Terry Bell 89550425
Sun Aug 6 Simpson’s gap bike path 17 Simpson’s Gap 7am Committee 89521906
Sun Aug 20 TIO Marathon 42.2 Araluen 6am Ian Richter/Marathon c’tee 89524277
Sun sept 2 Solace Cross country 5 Telegraph Stn 7am Terry Bell/Greg Mahoney 89529228
Sun Sept 17 21st Birthday Fun Run/Walk 5 Telegraph Stn 9am Margaret Orr/Jo Carlesso 89523761
Sat Sept 30 Guesstimate 4 24km Ilparpa Rd 5pm Viv Lunsman/Judith Dixon 89522300
Sun Oct 15 Solace cross country 5 Telegraph Stn 7am Terry Bell/Greg Mahoney 89529228
Oct 21-27 Honda Master’s Games various        

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