<bgsound srcsrc=Footprints.mid">
Hi ya , I'm Stu and this is (hopefully) going to be my cool website. I'm still learning how to do this html stuff so you will have to bear with me. I live in a town called Basildon in Essex, England. I am a mad football (soccer) fan, and i support West Ham United f.c. this is all i can say at the moment so keep a tab on this site .....
People have visited so far.
Well hello and welcome to my place, i haven't got a lot to say at the moment so i'm just going to say a few hello's to : Jon T (he's my brother), Bren (for being a cool girl to talk to on the net xxx),my footballing mate ' Colin Norman, My football team (Rayleigh Panthers), Gary Miller for the West Ham pics, And anyone else who knows me ......
This is an ickle piccy of me
Stuee's West Ham page ...
Stuee's Links ...........
Jon T's Chemicaly induced spiritual vision's
This is where i buy my games from and my p.c. bits .
V 2.0
One of my Best net. buddies.
I am also a mad playstation nut. I am currently playing Driver & The F.A. Premier League STARS.
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(C) 1999 Stu Technologies inc.