Senior Soccer League
Up ] Meeting Minutes ] League Philosophy ] [ Rules ] Directions to Field ] Schedules ] Standings ] Team Rosters ] Transfers Record ] Red Card Log ]


By Laws - manage internal affairs

1.       Players must be born in the year 1954 or earlier.

1.1.    Under aged players are expelled, team forfeits the game in which the player participated and the team manager is suspended (no playing or coaching) for one week and fined $10.

1.1.1.       The challenging Team Manager notifies the Trial Board Chairman who notifies the other team managers of the expelled player.

1.1.2.       Team Manager penalties are avoided if the Team Manager validated the player's age in good faith with the Age Verification coordinator prior to the game.

1.2.    If a player's age is challenged, the player must produce a valid ID to the referee before playing.  See item 2 for valid ID

2.       Team roster shall be submitted at the beginning of the season to the Registrar.

2.1.    The roster contains player's name, date of birth, and document identification, e.g. California driver's license #.

2.1.1.       The proof of age document may be a California driver's license, other state driver's license, California ID, or passport.

2.1.2.       New players must show original proof of age document. New players that do not have an ID must present a valid driver's license, 2 pictures and $5 to play one time before they get their ID

2.1.3.       A team manager who plays an unauthorized player is fined $25

2.2.    Each team can have an unlimited number of players on their roster.

3.       Players must sit out one published scheduled game to change teams and pay a $20 transfer fee + $5 registration fee.

4.       Team managers will encourage their players to exhibit good behavior, e.g. no bad language, arguing referee calls etc.

4.1.    Teams out of control before, during or after the game are subject to suspension.

5.       Team continually short players must disband and join other teams.

5.1.    The Board will issue a 2-week warning before suspension is implemented.

6.       Points and game standings will be kept

6.1.    3 points for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss

6.2.    Each team will email their game score to the League Standings Administrator by Wednesday.  Identify both teams and each score.

7.       League fees must be paid by due date or the team may be dropped from the schedule.

7.1.    Due date is 1 month prior to the start of the new season

7.2.    New teams will pay an entry fee set by the Board of Directors.

8.       The league provides referees for all published scheduled games.

8.1.    Each team pays the referees $36 prior to the start of the 2nd half, $25 from each team if there is only one referee

9.       Teams not providing a representative to the league meetings will be fined $20.


Rules - that govern games

1.       FIFA rules apply except

1.1.    No excessive hard play, even when FIFA legal, to avoid injuries and lost time at work.

1.2.    No slide tackles

2.       No drinking of alcoholic beverage on or near the soccer field or school grounds

3.       No smoking or urinating on or near the field.

4.       No parking in the parking lot red zones.

5.       Unlimited number of substitutions on a dead ball with the referee's permission.

5.1.    Injured players may be substituted at any time during the game with the referee’s permission.

6.       A team unable to field more than 6 players will forfeit the game and pay referee fees ($72) for both teams.

7.       A player can only play for one team.  See By Laws items 2 & 3

7.1.    When a team has less than 11 players and with approval of the opposing team manager, players from other teams can play to bring the fielded players up to 11 but they forfeit the game.  A guest player cannot play, and keep a team player out. 

7.1.1.       Teams playing non-rostered players without approval will be fined $20.

8.       A player receiving a yellow card must leave the game for a minimum of 5 minutes.  The player may be substituted.

8a.    A player receiving a red card is automatically suspended from the game and can not be substituted. He’s out the next published scheduled Game, and the following are minimum additional penalties the Trial Board can apply:

8.1.    Fighting

8.1.1.       6 games if he is the initiator

8.1.2.       2 games if he is the retaliator

8.1.3.       8 games, plus 6 months probation for repeat offender within the last 12 months

8.1.4.       Any player fighting at an Edgar based game, friendly or league scheduled, on the field or off it, will be fined $100 the first time, $300 the second time and expelled for life the third time.  The fine must be paid before the player can play again.  This penalty is in addition to any game suspensions that are issued.  The fight count is for the life of the player.

8.2.    1 year suspension for violation of probation

8.3.    Intentionally hitting the referee - expelled from League

8.3.1.       Intimidating the referee - 3 games

8.4.    Other violations - suspended for next game.

8.5.    A player has only one appeal for the duration of his penalty or one year which ever comes first

8.5.1.       Player can appeal penalties more than 3 weeks suspension by submitting an appeal to the League President.  Must always serve 3 weeks

9.       Game cancellations

9.1.    Referee fees are avoided if the team manager notifies the referee coordinator and opposing team manager by Sunday prior to the game.  That game is a forfeit.

9.1.1.       Failure to comply is forfeit of the game and pay both team's referee fee ($72)

9.2.    The League's Board can cancel games due to rain

9.2.1.       If it rains on Friday, call the referee coordinator for game status.


League Organization



Telephone #            Other #

Email Address

Age Verification & Registration

Ana DiSanzo

Ard Keuilian



949 494 5354H  714 317 7400C


Board of Directors

Team Managers



League Standings administrator

Richard Shirey

714 968 4147 - preferred

Referee Coordinator

Roger Tombolesi

714 206 8899


Ard Keuilian

949 494 5354

Rules Committee Chairman

Richard Shirey

714 968 4147 - preferred


Bob Mazenauer

714 891 8283

League Schedules

Richard Shirey

714 968 4147 - preferred

Trial Board


Ader Khattab, Chmn






Ader Khattab

Miguel Mastrangelo

Ard Keuilian

Luciano Coral


Hilmer Martinez


714 891 8104



949 494 5354

562 907 9914



562 841 2309




Field Quality & League President


Ard Keuilian




Games Reservations

Ard Keuilian
