Kickin' It Logo "Though a man should conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, He who conquers himself is the greatest warrior."


Shotokan Karate

Picture of Gichin FunakoshiEnlightenment Kanji
Master Gichin Funakoshi is credited with the development of modern day Karate. It is better known by it's practitioners as Karate-Do, "The way of the empty hand." He along with one of his instructors, Master Itosu, are also credited with bringing karate into the school systems of Okinawa and Japan. Master Funakoshi was extensively trained by the practitioners of Okinawa-Te, the forerunner to Karate-Do, on the island of Okinawa. The "ryu" or style of karate he developed is called "Shotokan". Shotokan means "hall of shoto," shoto being the penname Funkashosi used in calligraphy writings. There are fewer techniques in Shotokan than in other styles of karate. Instruction being based on the concept that it is better to know fewer techniques well than have a superficial knowledge of many techniques. Shotokan karate emphasizes two main ideas in its training: balance and muscle control and the belief that proper study eliminates ego, promotes hard honest work, humility and excellence.

"The ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of it's participants."

Gichin Funakoshi

Kickin' It Karate Academy

Kickin" it Karate Academy is a traditional dojo that teaches Shotokan Karate. Here at Kickin' It, we emphasize the spiritual aspects of karate-do as intended by Master Funakoshi. We teach Kihon, Kata, Kumite, Ko-budo and Jujitsu. Through the years the unique programs that I have been taught by my instructor have brought about such dramatic, positive changes in so many lives that we are eager for the opportunity to share them with others. Self-Control, Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self- Defense, Good Health and Fitness are only a few of the many benefits we can, with your willingness, help you achieve.


Sensi Deshi Kirk Austin

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