Welcome to Nathan's
age of Stuff...
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Hello my name is Nathan.  I'm 19 and I live in Church Hill, a little town in east Tennessee, and I'm a sophomore at East Tennessee State University.   Thanks for coming to my site.  I'm proud of it (lol).  Here you will find just stuff that I decided to put on here for some reason. Enjoy!
Here are links to my friends' sites.   Totally different page too.
Here is an outline of Dansm's Acoustic Guitar Page.  This place rocks.  It has everything!!!!
Me and the Effiel Tower in June of '99.  That vacation rocked!!!
These are my favorite guitar links!!!!
Online Acoustic Guitar Tablature- Cool place for some tabs and chords.

- The one and only home of Fender guitars and more...

Dansm's Acoustic Song Page
-  Tabs, lessons, scales, tunings.  My favorite place                                                                                  to hang with my geetar.
Guitar Playing.com
- OK This place has everything. Tabs, links, etc...                                                  
Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
Email me!
Don't say a word... I spilt cherry coke on my pants and found a convient way to dry them...This is in Germany
This is a picture of my cheerleading days...
Me and my axe!!
When the fullness of time had come God sent forth his son....Do you know Him?   Would you like to or know more about him?   Just ask here.