Nomination Form


$1000.00 Bowling Media Scholarship


Form must be submitted by February 1, 2003


Eligibility Requirements –


  1. Nominee shall be an active member of a Young American Bowling Alliance program (Junior or Collegiate), American Bowling Congress or the Women’s International Bowling Congress


  1. Nominee shall be: (a) A high school graduating SENIOR who has been accepted at an accredited college, junior college, vocational Institution or (b) currently attending an accredited college, junior college or vocational Institution.


  1. Nominee must have a current minimum average of 175, an outstanding record of bowling achievements in the past and current seasons and being enrolled in communications or plan to enroll in communications courses. This scholarship will be awarded to future writers or other media positions.



Name _______________________________     Date of Birth _________      


Address _____________________________                 E-Mail ____________________




Female ___           Male ___                    Telephone  (         ) ___________


SS # __________


Currently attending:        High School ____      College ____  other ____


Name & Address or school, college or vocational school attending or accepted by –








If the following information has been submitted for other scholarships – copies may be attached with updates to include current season.




Year in school _________            GPA (overall) _______          Attach transcript or other info


Communications / Media experience or planned courses






Full name of Local Bowling Association _________________________________


Highest SANCTIONED league average with 21 games or more        

Date ______         Avg ____        No Games _____


Current book average ____        No Games _____


Highest 3 games SANCTIONED scratch series –                    Highest game -


Current Season ______                                                               Current Season _____


Last Season _________                                                               Last Season ________


Prior Season ________                                                                Prior Season  _______


Attach addition information –


Local, State, National Team USA (National or State) and International competition. Any other bowling achievement information you wish to submit. Please indicate SCRATCH or HANDICAP score.


Special Bowling Awards or Honors – Local, State and National Offices held – Special Awards or Honors other than bowling


Mail to –   Dick Evans, Chairperson BWAA Scholarship Committee

                  121 Morning Dove

                  Daytona Beach, FL   32119

                  (904) 756-8693

                  E-mail :