This is my very first award so I'm kind of proud of it

- please visit the site for me (3/99).

I can't believe it, another one - thanks - I sure do appreciate it (3/99).

I'm honored that Lainey Garretson gave me this award.

Please take the time to visit her site. Thanks Lainey (4/99).

I'm very proud to accept this award. In the words of the

Cherokee, Wa-do Coyote Thunder (4/99).

Thanks for recognizing my site is under constant construction.

If you're working on your page, surf over and apply for

an award, too! (4/99)

My first award in the year 2000. I'm proud to accept it. Thanks Jeff.

This special award was quite a surprise. Thanks for the award and the good things you said about my site and my town. I appreciate it!

Thanks for presenting me with this award. I try to do my part for the memory of those who gave all.

View My Old Guestbook

The image in the lake on this page is called the Angel Arch in the Needles at Canyonland National Park in Southern Utah. The tune is one of my favorites by Willie Nelson and it's called "Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground. It's kind of appropriate for the picture up top, don't you think?

Thanks to my sister Connie for helping me out with this page.