Dojo Kun - Club
Info - Events
Pretoria East Goju-Ryu Karate
Affiliated to: South African Goju-Ryu Karate Association
( S.A.G.A )
Affiliated to: International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation
( I.O.G.K.F )
Practices traditional, practical Okinawan Goju Style Karate to
Equip students regardless of age or creed to defend themselves.
To cultivate good character, perseverence, endurance,
responsibility and social virtue among all members.
As a Professionally run, disciplined Organization, SAGA believes it
can only be the
best by satisfying the needs of all its members through commited, well
co-responsible Instructors.
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We strive to:1. Improve our own character.
2. Act unselfishly.
3. Refrain from violent and uncontrolled behaviour.
4. Develop a spirit of endeavour and perseverance.
5. Seek the true way of life through hard training and sacrifice of self interests.