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Lichfield Nomads Cricket Annual General Meeting 1985



Apologies   J Evans, D. Adam.


Chairman’s Report

The Chairman felt that generally the team had performed well and not always got the results it deserved. There had been problem sometimes in getting a team out, with injuries and unavailability. These things happen, and generally good progress had been made in a season of consolidation.

Secretary’s Report

In a written report it was stated that three meetings had been held during the year, one of which was a players pre—season meeting. Generally, attendance had been quite good. However, due to apathy in returning forms, voting for Nomad of the Year had had to be carried out by ‘phoning everyone. Only three forma had been returned for posts for the coming year and therefore the secretary proposed that the A.G.M. considered another method of voting for awards, committee jobs, captaincy etc. A proposal was made that the Annual Dinner be held at the end of September, enabling voting for Player of the Year etc to occur during the last few weeks of the season whilst interest was still high. The A.G.M. would then be held early in October, giving the new Fixtures Secretary more time to get fixtures when other clubs were making theirs.

This proposal was accepted.

Social events included another successful Sports Quiz, which could hopefully become an annual event.

The Annual Dinner had been successful/unsuccessful according to who was asked,

Finally the Secretary offered her resignation from the post and the Chairman offered a vote of thanks on behalf of the Club for the good work done over the past two years.

Treasurers Report

In an exceptionally detailed report, the Treasurer announced a good financial year with a 62% increase in turnover. The previous season s loss of £41 had been turned into a profit of £194.

Losses had been made in transferring our bank account and in the London Welsh away fixture, which was treated as a separate account. The principle costs here had been £41 van hire and £3~ petrol, whilst £42 had been collected from players. At this point I. Sumner said he could obtain a diesel mini—bus for hire for £12, which was agreeable to all:

 Nets had cost dearly again, especially Sutton, who had written announcing that costs had risen from £5 to £6/hour and the affiliation fee up to £10.

There had been an increase in match fees and tea money collected due to the Treasurer’ s diligence and fund—raising income had increased at which point R Jennett, Social Secretary congratulated himself and announced that some Monies on pontoon tickets were still outstanding.

Membership brought in £127 and the Treasurer saw no reason to increase the Membership fees.

A vote of thanks was proposed for the excellent work carried out by the Treasurer this year.

Captain’s Report

The Captain observed that the season had never really got started due to appalling weather, unprecedented injury problems and unavailability of players. Thus it had been difficult to get into any sort of rhythm and we had fielded weakened sides and a lot of guest players. Many individuals would feel that they had under-achieved during 1985, and there had not been tinny areas of individual improvement. Honourable exceptions included the emergence of M Heslington as an all-rounder, P Willis’ meteroric arrival into the catching charts and P Gardner’ s sound wicket keeping.

Mere specifically, whilst our specialist batsmen, upon whom we have over-relied in the past, had not really had their best year. Ironically, this had been balanced by improved contributions from elsewhere, particularly lower in the order. Our bowling resources had been stretched to the limit on occasions due to injuries and unavailability, but remained our area of greatest strength. Our ground fielding had held up reasonably well, but catching had not quite reached the previous season’ s startling standards, and throwing-in was still a major weakness.

Despite all our problems, results had actually not been bad. We played 18,

Won 6, lost 6, drew 3, tied 1 and had 2 abandoned. Interestingly, guest

Players had accounted for 24 appearances during 1985.

Finally, the Captain confirmed his decision to resign from the Captaincy after 2 largely enjoyable years, thanked all players for their support and hoped for improved cricket and weather during 1986.

A vote of thanks was proposed.

Election of Officers

New posts were agreed, without votes as follows -

Chairman : S Ellison
Secretary : P Evans
Treasurer : M Heslington
Fixtures Secretary : G Sercombe/A George
Pitches Secretary : S George
Social Secretary : R Jennett
Kit master : P Gardner
Tour Organiser : M Pinfield


Improvement in quality of pitches was a priority. We would try rearranging fixtures with the likes of Hammerwich and Church Stretton. The tour fixture in Yorkshire had been disastrous and there was no desire to repeat it. The guidelines were roughly as last year’s 20—25 fixtures and tour, with no more than 5 long distance matches.


The situation was unchanged; King Edward School would be used on the same basis as before. Costs may have to rise, especially if rumours of new facilities in the pavilion proved correct. The situation at Lichfield Rugby Club was still far from clear, but we had done all we could at this stage and would continue to monitor progress. Nothing was likely to occur from Lichfield Council. There was still the alternative of pitches at the Friary and Lichfield Cricket Club, especially later in the season.


Apart from the price increases, the Lichfield nets (commence 9 January) would be from 6.00 — 7.00 p.m. on Thursdays. Meanwhile, Sutton had again offered 1.30 — 3.00 p.m. on Sundays. M Heslington agreed to ring to see if this could be altered, and whether the weekly fee would be waived if cancellation were received in good tine.

Net fees would be kept at £1.50 per person at Sutton and £1 at Lichfield regardless of increased costs. Agreed unanimously.


To remain at £7 per member and payable by 31 January 1986 (midnight), after which it would rise to £8. If not paid by 1 April the member would not be considered for selection. Agreed unanimously.

Fund Raising

The response to pontoon tickets had been poor, and the Social Secretary appealed for the return of unsold tickets and outstanding monies.

The Sports Quiz could become a bigger event with written questions.

A Beer Festival at Lichfield Rugby Club was impractical and could prove costly.

There was a possibility of a disco at the Carpenters Arms and a Nomads Curry Evening was to be arranged.


The Secretary had received no response from R Grewer who would no longer be a member and D Lewis only wished to be considered as a stand-by. Thus playing membership was down to 16 and it was agreed that in the light of last season’ s difficulties the playing membership be increased to the full 20 allowed in the constitution.

Consequently M Burton, C Ingley, P Fryer and S Brown would be approached with a view to joining the club. In addition it may prove useful for the Captain to have an organised stand-by list to include D Lewis, D Hurcombe, R Grewer, A Gregory etc.

The membership would now be: -

Playing Members:

C Rowland

M Heslington

P Evans

E Bloxham

S George

G Sercombe

I Sumner

D Fryer

P Gardner

P Willis

A George

D Adam

M Pinfield

R Jennett

M Hampton

K Fisher

Non-Playing Members:

S Ellison

J Evans

New Members (to be approached):

M Burton

C Ingley

S Brown

Appointment of Auditors

M Scott and R Kurn were proposed and agreed.

Election of Captain

All nominations to be in before the next meeting.

Date of Next Meeting

In order to elect the new captain and discuss new members, gathering subscriptions, nets, fixtures etc, a meeting was arranged at The Crown, Handsacre, at 8.00 p .m. on Monday 6 January 1986.


Last Update: 20th November 2000