Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club: Annual General Meeting 1997 |
Minutes of the sixteenth AGM held on Thursday 30th October 1997 at The George IV Public House, Lichfield.
R. Jennett (chair) | P. Gardner | R. Heslington | C. Rowland | P. Fearon (mins) |
A. Hussein | M. Pinfield | R. Ings | J. Hoddy | D. Cartwright |
S. Shohet | R. Grewer | P. Blackburn |
1. | Apologies |
P. Willis, K. Greaves. | |
2. | Matters arising from 1996 minutes. |
None. The minutes were approved by JH and seconded by RI. | |
3. | Chairman's Report |
RJ thanked all the committee members for their efforts, especially PG for his work on and off the field. He also thanked Pete Gardner for the end of year stats and Pete Willis for his work with the club finances.We were unlucky to lose some fixtures in June, especially the Great Brickhill game and the last game of the season. | |
4. | Secretary's Report |
RH expressed his thanks to RJ for all his help throughout the year. He intended to continue to use the standard agendas for the monthly meetings as these had proved successful. | |
5. | Treasurer's report |
Ray read out a written statement from Pete
Willis, the club treasurer, outlining the financial position of the club. 'The club remains in a sound financial position, the loss made on the previous season having been converted to a small profit this year. Subscription income has improved over 95/96 and with one possible exception, represented a complete return on that expected. Despite an increase in the cost of indoor nets to members, we were unable to cover the unjustifiably large increase, which FGSC has made to the cost of the indoor nets. The loss was not dramatic but in the past net costs have usually been covered. I can find no record that we have paid for the outdoor nets!Match fees however covered the cost of hiring the Barton cricket pitch, on a total much reduced on the previous years. 50 club income was significantly improved and all credit must be given to the assistant treasurer for all his hard work in ensuring that this functioned so well. We should remember that the 50 club is vital to the survival of the club. Interest received on the club's accounts is once again a marginal sum. Expenditure on kit was very much of the order expected and I anticipate it will not reduce much in the next financial year. MCCC continues to provide good value, particularly in terms of insurance where they seem always to find the best 'deal'. Club reserves have risen by 12% over the last 4 years (including the 95/96 loss) and I therefore propose that all fees for the coming season remain as for 96/97.' P.G. Willis Treasurer 7/10/98 |
6. | 50 Club - Nomads Monthly Prize Draw |
Paul Fearon outlined the '50 Club' figures
for the year. 1996 / 97 income was £469 (including £29 o/s from 95/96) up from £460. Outgoings were £433 in prizes paid (96/97 - £356, 95/96 - £77), with £13 still to be paid. (£9 to C. Ingley and £4 to M. Smith o/s from the previous year.) Draw revenue was £75 (£440 - £365). A total of £79 was owed in outstanding money. PJF thanked members for their continued support especially former players who retained their numbers and those players who purchased several numbers. |
7. | Membership |
15 paid up members in 1996, which was good. A general agreement that 1 or 2 more players would be a benefit to the club both in terms of additional numbers and new blood. Better to have a full team every week and occasionally ask people to stand down than to be fielding under strength teams. It was agreed to advertise for new players once again but nearer to the start of the season. | |
8. | Fixtures Secretary's Report |
Agreement that this year's fixtures were
good despite abandoned games. It was felt the early finish in September worked well. Some games already arranged for 1998 including Swynnerton on April 12th, 2 games against Sutton 3rds, 1 at Gnosall, 2 against Beaudesert and 1 at Tamworth. A game in Belgium was proposed probably at Whit Bank Holiday this was to be discussed and confirmed at the next meeting. |
9. | Social Secretary's Report |
Test match was a success with the Nomads enjoying a rare Ashes victory and Mal enjoying an even rarer win on the Derby with Benny the Dip. The Dinner was well received and enjoyed by all but it was felt it may be time to try a new venue after 3 years on the trot. Skittles night was successful and everyone looked forward to another event next year. |
10. | Test Match |
This coming year the South Africans are
touring and there is a Test at Edgbaston. Ross was tasked with getting all the details and sending them out prior to the next meeting. |
11. | M.C.C.C. |
Malcolm Pinfield proposed continued membership of the M.C.C.C. which was seconded by Ray Jennett and agreed by the meeting. | |
12. | Captain's Report |
Pete Gardner gave an overview of the
season from his perspective. The results for the season were won 4, drew 3 and lost the rest. The spirit was good, the batting had improved and with the exception of Gnosall and Barton we had not been 'rolled over' as much this season. Abbots Bromley was mentioned as an excellent game. Saul Shohet had kept wicket well. The change to playing more 40 overs games was welcomed and it was noted that it would be a good idea to play with limits on the number of overs for bowlers, especially against Beaudesert. There were one or two things that had been identified and could be worked on in the nets. |
13. | Kitmaster's Report |
Ray Jennett offered to do a full inventory
prior to the next meeting in November. He had counted 13 pairs of right handed gloves and
plenty of balls. It was agreed to purchase 6 new net balls and 6 new match balls. Chris
Rowland stated he had nowhere to store the kit and Akin Hussein offered to help. The Rota
for next season will be discussed at the next meeting. The club helmet required mending. It was stated that the stumps and bails must be brought for all home games. Expenditure for the forthcoming year should be less and will be discussed further at the next meeting. It was agreed that a club clock should be purchased. |
14. | Pitches |
Plan to book Barton plastic pitch again next year. There was one occasion when the pavillion was not opened up. The new site screens were a big improvement. | |
15. | Nets |
Plan to use Friary winter nets as usual, notification not yet received on dates/times. There was a discussion on holding additional nets once the season is underway as there was a suspicion that performances tailed off after a good start. Akin Hussein to investigate nets at Barton. | |
16. | Election of Officers |
Chairman : RAY JENNETT : Proposed
MP, Seconded PJF. Treasurer : PETE WILLIS : Proposed AH, Seconded RI. Secretary : ROSS HESLINGTON : Proposed PJF, Seconded SS. Assistant Treasurer : PAUL FEARON : Proposed RH, Seconded PG Social Secretary : CHRIS ROWLAND : Proposed RI, Seconded RJ Fixtures Secretary : PETE GARDNER : Proposed MP, Seconded CR. |
17. | AOB |
None. | |
18. | Next monthly meeting |
Thursday 27th November 1997. 8.30pm The Greyhound. (RJ to book) |
LNCC Financial Statement 1996 - 97.
Income | 1996/7 | 1995/6 | |
Subscriptions | 150.00 | 110.00 | |
Net Fees | 179.70 | 165.29 | |
Match Fees | 271.95 | 284.70 | |
Fund Raising | 315.50 | 251.00 | |
C/A Interest | 6.34 | 7.60 | |
D/A Interest | 1.95 | 1.27 | |
Kit | 0.00 | 38.00 | |
Dinner | 0.00 | 5.00 | |
Total | 924.44 | 862.86 | |
Expenditure | |||
Kit | 236.98 | 241.00 | |
Net Hire | 208.00 | 170.00 | |
Pitch Hire | 231.00 | 329.00 | |
Expenses | 32.95 | 11.25 | |
MCCC & insurance | 106.50 | 105.50 | |
Prizes | 50.00 | 75.00 | |
Social Expenses | 0.00 | 20.00 | |
Total | 865.43 | 951.75 | |
Reserves | |||
Petty cash | 76.50 | 276.30 | |
Current a/c | 655.13 | 396.60 | |
Deposit a/c | 127.74 | 126.46 | |
Total | 859.37 | 799.36 | |
Profit (loss) | 60.01 | -88.89 |
4th October 1999