The club shall be known as LICHFIELD NOMADS CRICKET CLUB.
2. AIMS:
- To provide the membership with facilities for and the fixtures to play cricket
throughout the season.
- To provide social activities as a compliment to the playing season.
Membership shall be restricted and consist of the following categories.
- PLAYING MEMBERS The maximum number of playing members to be agreed at each AGM
(Current level 20 members see AGM 26.11.84).
- ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Comprises non- playing members, e.g. scorers, umpires committee
members etc and is not subject to payment of the annual subscription.
Election of new members shall take place at AGM or EGM and requires 2/3 majority of
members present votes to confirm membership.
- PLAYING RIGHTS All members shall have equal playing rights, however a rota system
shall operate & each playing member shall be given a similar numbers of opportunities
to play during the season within the constraints of the system (See minute 1 23.01.84).
- VOTING RIGHTS All members have equal voting rights.
- QUORUM Shall consist of not less than 5 members.
- CASTING VOTE In the event of a tied vote the Chairman has a casting vote.
- To be used solely to carry out the aims of the club as defined in the constitution.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the management of club funds.
- Accounts shall be kept and 2 Auditors, not members of the executive committee, appointed
for each financial year.
- The financial year shall run from the end of the month preceding the AGM.
- The Midland Bank PLC shall hold the club account.
- The signatories to the account shall be the Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer.
- The subscription rate to be decided at each AGM.
- Club meetings to be held as required and called by the executive committee, the
secretary to notify all members of such meetings.
- Annual General Meetings.
To be held in autumn with due notice to members sent by the secretary.
Nomination forms for committee and other posts the nature of which shall be
decided at the pre AGM meeting must be returned to the secretary 21 days
prior to the AGM.
Lists of nominees (voting forms) will be sent to members prior to the AGM and should be
returned before or at the AGM.
The agenda of the AGM will be decided at a meeting to be called in September and copies
of the agenda will be distributed with the nomination forms.
Procedure of the AGM. The following reports shall be given: Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer (to include an audited balance and breakdown of accounts), Captain.
All debates shall be conducted through the chair.
- Extraordinary General Meetings
Urgent or important matters may be conducted at an EGM.
The signatures of 4 members plus the reason for the EGM shall be presented to the
secretary who shall give 7 days notice of the meeting and its business.
- Shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Team Captain.
- The Chairman shall have the casting vote.
- Shall consist of Chairman, Captain and vice- captain.
- The Captain shall have casting vote.
- The Responsibilities of the captain are:
Ascertaining the availability of players
Notifying those selected to play
The conduct of players on the field of play who expected to play in the spirit of the
In the event of non availability of captain and vice captain the
selection committee shall appoint suitable deputies.
In the event of a cancelled fixture the captain shall notify members where practicable.
Shall be made at a meeting the date of which shall be decided at the AGM (Usually the
first meeting in the New Year).
- The club can only be dissolved at an AGM or EGM by a 2/3-majority vote of the membership
- In the event of the above after allowing for any liabilities the funds and other assets
of the club shall be disposed of in a manner to be decided at the dissolution meeting.
- Amendments to the constitution may only be made at an AGM or EGM by a 2/3-majority vote
of the membership present.
- Notifications of all proposed amendments must be made in writing, supported by the
signatories of 4 members, to the secretary who will then give the membership due notice.
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