The Unofficial Oleg Tverdovsky Fan Club
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This is NOT an official club, therefore you do not get those neat little packages that come with official clubs. Also, it is non-profit so membership is FREE. This club simply unites the fan of Oleg, so they can share their comments.

As a member, your name and comments will appear on a special members' page. You will also get the latest news on Oleg appearences and the website in a monthly newsletter, as well as have the oppourtunity to participate in contests and other events organized exclusively for the members.

IMPORTANT!! Please completely fill out all areas marked with an asterisk (*) otherwise your membership request may be disregarded.


* Name:

* City:


* Country:

*E-mail (i.e., *REQUIRED.

Check here if you do not want your e-mail address to be displayed. The privacy of your address will be ensured and used only by the fan club.


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Your thoughts/comments on Oleg: