How Do I Get Into Archery
How do I get started in the sport of archery and how much will it cost are the most common questions asked by prospective new members. Archery can be as cheep or as expensive as you wish. The club has a limited range of equipment (Learner level) available for prospective new members to use.
There is no substitute for owning your own equipment, and once you have made the dession to take up the sport you will need to outlay between $100 - $800 depending on what you would like to do.
There are three common bow types : Longbow, Recurve, and Compound.
LONGBOW: The longbow is the traditional "Robin Hood" stick and string. This is a very challenging bow to shoot, most people shooting longbow try to keep with traditional equipment by using wooden arrows fletched with genuine feathers. They can be inexpensive, uncomplicated and a lot of fun.
RECURVE: The recurve is mainly used for target archery, the look is similar to that of the longbow, but the recurve has the advantage of more power, speed and accuracy over its more traditional cousin. The recurve is an excellent entry level and can also be shot at Olympic standards.
COMPOUND: The compound bow is the more technical and generally more expensive of the three bows. Used in bowhunting because of their extreme power and straight arrow flight. At full draw the wheels/cams can reduce the holding weight to less than 50%, this makes the compound the most common bow in modern archery because brute strength is not need to hold the bow back at full draw.
Massey Archery Club has a strong commitment to families and its junior members. Age and sex are no barriers in archery. It is a great sport in which Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters can all compete on even terms. Brute strength is not a requirement. Good technique, determination and concentration are far more important qualities in a good archer.
At Massey Archery Club we have several families who's sons and daughters out shoot their parents and are becoming fine archers, with the chances of representing the club at national and international competitions.
The younger junior members have their own "Cub Peg" which is set closer to the targets so that even with very light poundage bows they can hit the targets to compete and increase their scores.
The teenagers at Massey Archery Club have keen competition and enjoy the competitive aspect of challenging one another for positions on the club leader board, and several of the juniors are starting to give the seasoned archers a run for their money.
The atmosphere at Massey Archery Club along with the social activities ensures the whole family can enjoy the sport of archery.
Tuesday night at the club rooms from 6:30pm is set aside for coaching of juniors and new members. Coaching is done both inside and outside, depending on the current level that is trying to be achieved. A six week coaching course is run for those interested in taking their current shooting ability to a higher level.