main notices schedule members

   Valley Gator Swim Team

JULY 6, 1999

We now have 102 registered swimmers and there is a new family registering
in Charlestown today with three eight-year-olds!  The largest team I can
remember in the team's history had 118 swimmers.  We have a shot at that
record this year if we continue to grow, as we have been this year.  It is
not too late to join swim team, so invite your friends to come with you.

I should already have a written note from you if you are not going to the
meet on Thursday night in Bennington.  It is an indoor pool, so don't worry
about the weather.  Check the bulletin board for directions to the meet.  I
will try to get other copies printed today and hand them out tomorrow at
practice.  Saturday's meet is in Walpole; our warm-up time is 7:30 A.M. you
need to be on time to warm up.  There will be many other teams here and
they will have the pool at 8:00.  Thank you for your concession donations
for the previous home meets.  It is extremely important that everyone bring
something for the concession on Saturday.  There will be 300+ swimmers and
families at the meet.

If you got a really old meet schedule, please note there is no meet on
Tuesday, July 20 with the Keene Y Dolphins.  Also, the correct days for the
state meet are Friday and Saturday, July 30, 1999 and July 31, 1999.

Our championship meet is held at the Jenny Thompson Pool in Dover, New
Hampshire.  Friday, July 30, 1999 all 10 and under swimmers will swim in
the morning.  That warm-up is at 7:00 A.M.  All swimmers aged 11 and up
will swim Friday P.M.  That warm-up is at 2:30 P.M. and the first event is
the medley relays, so you must be there on time for relay check in.  All 11
and up swimmers will swim on Saturday, July 31, 1999.  The warm-up is 7:00
A.M.  We need to provide runners for all sessions and timers for Friday
afternoon and all day Saturday.

Camping is available at the Jenny Thompson Pool   603-743-6085.
Anchorage Inn                   Portsmouth, NH  603-431-8111
Courtyard by Marriott           Portsmouth, NH  603-436-2121
Day's Inn                       Dover, NH               603-742-0400
Best Western Hearthside Exeter, NH              603-772-3794
Hampton Inn                     Portsmouth, NH  800-426-7866
Holiday Inn                     Portsmouth, NH  603-431-8000
Howard Johnson          Portsmouth, NH  603-436-7600
Holiday Inn Express             Dover, NH               603-742-4100
Meadowbrook Inn         Portsmouth, NH  603-436-2700
Portsmouth Inn          Portsmouth, NH  603-431-4400
Sheraton Portsmouth Hotel       Portsmouth, NH  603-431-2300
Susse Chalet                    Portsmouth, NH  603-436-6363
Yokens/Comfort Inn              Portsmouth, NH  603-433-3338
New England Center              Durham, NH              800-590-4344

June 30, 1999

Welcome to all of the new swimmers.  We are very glad you have decided to
become Gator.  As of this writing, we have 95 swimmers signed up to swim
this summer.  Perhaps we will reach 100 SWIMMERS by the end of the week.
It is not too late to join, so invite your friends to come to practice with

Our next meet is in Charlestown NH.  If you have not been to the pool
before, it is very easy to find.  From the south.  Go north on NH RT. 12
until you begin to enter Charlestown.  Just after the little bridge that
leads into town, you will see a building on the right called the
Foundation.  Turn right at that building, travel one block and turn right
again.  The pool is one block down on the left and you should park in the
school parking lot on the right.  From the north, NH RT 12 south.  Travel
to the end of the main street in Charlestown and turn left at the
Foundation.  Again, we will need items for the concession.  We will be glad
to have donations from anyone, but if you did not contribute food to the
Ice Breaker Meet, please be sure to bring it to this meet.  Fruit, raw
vegetables, granola bars, bagels, popcorn and juice boxes are always
needed. The warm-up is 4:00 p.m.  It is important to be there ready to swim
at that time.  If you must arrive late, please tell Marj or Trudy ahead of
time so they will not be worrying about you.  Marj should know by now if
you will be unable to attend this meet.  There will be team caps available
at the concession on Thursday night.  If you have not gotten your team
suit, it can be ordered from a catalogue or purchased from the vendor at
the Freestyle invitational on July 10.  As of July 10, everyone is expected
to swim in a solid black suit and wear a team cap at all meets.  There are
a few small girls' suits and three second-hand boys' suits for sale at a
very reasonable price.  See Marj.

It takes a lot of people to run a swim meet.  We need to have three timers
for each lane.  The team owns some watches, but unfortunately not all of
them are working.  If you have a stopwatch of your own, please bring it to
the meet.  If you have never timed before, it is easy to learn and we have
many experienced timers who will be willing to teach you.  If timers work
in shifts, no one needs to time for the whole meet.  It works really well
if you work with a buddy and take turns.  Other jobs that need to be done
include helping with the concession, writing ribbons, scoring, and changing
the event numbers on the event board.  This year, our most desperate need
is to train at least four people to be a stroke and turn judge.  If you are
interested in learning to do this, please let Marj know right away so we
can begin to train you.  A person begins by working with another certified
person as an apprentice.  Sometimes, there are stroke and turn clinics
offered so you can also get certified.

IMPORTANT, please notice on your practice schedule.  The state meet is not
on Thursday, it is on FRIDAY and SATURDAY as stated in the meet schedule.

Finally, swimmers 15 to 18, Marj is looking for suggestions for a band for
the 50's meet.  All team captains and anyone that is interested in being
part of the discussion, meet with her after the Walpole practice Thursday,
July 1st.  If you are unable to attend, call or e-mail your suggestions to