I have no idea what goes on up top, although I do know that it probably has nothing to do with hockey.
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Welcome to the Mirror Sites for the....
Professional Hockey Newspaper and Media Source
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last updated on 19 October 2003 2003

This is the home base for the mirror sites to the Professional Hockey Newspaper and Media Source. The PHNMS is a guide to newspapers and media outlets that regularly feature hockey articles, official and selected unofficial team pages, statistics, scoreboards, and various hockey miscellany. The NHL, AHL, IHL, ECHL, WPHL, CHL, WCHL, UHL, Canadian and American junior hockey, and the international hockey scene are all covered.

A note of caution: the main sites are split into subpages, but these mirror pages are all-in-ones, so they are a little chunky. They are, however, absolutely no-frills in terms of bells and whistles and pretty pictures, so in an age of cable modems and fast connections, this should not be an issue.

Questions, comments, suggestions, or otherwise may be directed here.

thanks much,

carole sussman

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