Owen Hart Height: 5'11" Weight: 228 lbs. Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Finishing Maneuver: Sharpshooter

The two time Slammy Award winning Owen Hart was at one time the most underrated talent in the WWF. People looked past his ability because he was "living in the shadow" of his brother Bret. In 1993, Owen decided to take matters into his own hands. After turning on Bret, Owen acheived great success, winning the 1994 King of the Ring tournament and declaring himself the "King of Harts". He would then win the tag team titles on two occasions, once with his brother in-law the powerful British Bulldog. Throughout their title reign they were evidently having problems co-existing until Bret reunited them to form the great stable we now know as the Hart Foundation. Soon after that, Owen would win his first singles title in the WWF, the Intercontinental gold.

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Hartattack ©1998