The Mathematics of Horse Racing

Pari-Mutuel Wagering

Pari-Mutuel is a betting pool in which those who bet on the outcome of the race share the total amount bet minus a percentage for the management. In Horse Racing the standard outcome to bet on is win, place and show. These pools are active in just about every race run in North America. A harder outcome to predict, the Exacta, is also available in just about every race. In the Exacta pool, you predict the winner and the second place horse in exact order. There are many other variations of outcomes to wager on, but they are not offered in all races and some are only available at specific tracks:

Quinella, Trifecta, Superfecta, Daily Double, Pick 3, Pick 6, Odd-Even, Place-Pick-9...

In all cases the calculation of the payout is the same, the more people who bet on the actual outcome, the less money money returned to the winners. The payout of all wagers is usually expressed in return on $2 wager and is calculated as follows:

total_returned = total_bet * ( 1 - take_out )

pay = ( total_returned - bet[i] ) / bet[i]

Horse 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Odds
Win 1000 2000 3000 2000 4000 1000

Effects of Breakage

IRS Tickets

Takeout Reduction Studies

Current Takeout Rates


Toteboard Shopping

  1. Place and Show Overlays
  2. Exacta Overlay Table

Information Theory

Money Management

Hedging a Negative Pool

Track Statistics

Average Field Size

Average Pays

Internet Data

Most Recent Pick

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