~The Faerie Hunt~

Hidden within the Secet Sídhe there is the faerie love tree. Your goal is to find it.

The Faerie Love Tree

Wander along my realm ... somewhere is a hidden link to the place where the love tree grows. You will know what it is when you see it. If you found it please email me with your name and the title of the song the Faerie Queen was singing while she carved something into the love tree. Or use the form below. Then you will receive your own reward!

Reward Sample


You are listening to a Celtic tune


Your Enchanted Name:                       

(Do not hit return!)

Your E-mail:                                         

Where did you find the secret URL:   

The song the Queen was singing         

The name we shall put on the reward?

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This The Hunted Treasure Ring site is owned by Maeve Silvermoon.

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