Katrina's Menagerie

Follow the guides below to visit all of my adopted pets and others. Both the mice and the foxes are having contests with prizes, you can try to win both of them, if you like! The GLFS page is new -- my charm sheet used to be on this page, but it made the page load soooo slowly. The Mouse family's house needs some work...that'll get done when have the time to make the repairs :o) Thanks for your patience and watch out for crumbling bytes...

Probably one of the most famous "adoption agencies" on the net, the MousePad has many mice and other pets up for adoption to good homes. I've got my mice, do you? You can visit mine by following Kathryn...
Recently, I heard about another adoption place like the MousePad, where you could adopt foxes. It even had its own version of the late City of Mouse (the way it was before). Well, before I knew it I had Phenom, a burrow for him, and a job there...
I adopted Mairwen (my sorceress) from the 4 Kids, and she immediately demanded a castle room of her own, or she'd turn me into a toad. Well, I wasn't going to argue with that - follow her to visit her place.
I've adopted many other pets, and although they don't each have their own special page, I thought you might like to meet them too. Just follow the frog...
If you're a member of the Good Luck Friends Society, go here for my charm and charm sheet! If you're not, drop by and find out what it's all about..
My main site is called Kat's Keep, and it has many other pages for you to explore - please drop by and visit!
I love to receive email from people who have visited my pages, and your comments and suggestions are very important to me! If you want to let me know what you think, please drop me a line by clicking on the envelope...

We are listed at Heartland Carnival!
We're listed

©1998 Fiona Warman
Graphics by Vikimouse, 4 Kids
Jennyfox and Graphics Star