Kittens In Cat Land"Meow, meow," said Whiskers to her owner. Whiskers was hungry. Some milk was poured in her bowl and she lapped it up. Her friend Chocolate was visiting today. Whiskers liked entertaining Chocolate. "Meow," Whiskers said again. She turned around and saw Chocolate lapping milk up. "Lets go exploring," Chocolate whispered. "Sure," answered Whiskers, "But where to?" Chocolate whispered back, "Cat land." Whiskers nodded. "How will we get there?" she said, "The tabby down the road might know." The kittens waited and finally the door opened. The kittens raced outside and hid behind a hedge. "Where now?" asked Chocolate. "Follow the cat mint smell," answered Whiskers. They headed off following the cat mint smell. They passed five houses and still were not there. Finally they reached a tiny cottage with heaps of cat mint surrounding it. On some of it was a rather fat tabby. "What's it now whiskers?" he asked. "I and Chocolate here would like to get to Cat Land." Whiskers answered. "Cat Land you say," said the tabby, "Well, go down the street and follow the signs that Travel. Once you're at travel, take the boat to Canary Island. Don't let anyone see you. At the north end, you will see a boat shaped like a cat. Hop on, you should be in Cat Land in two days. The kittens set off down the road. They turned left at the crossroads, then right. Finally they reached travel. They spotted the boat going to the Canary Islands and sneaked inside. The kittens hid under a seat of a lady who was eating roast chicken. Occasionally pieces of chicken fell down and the kittens ate it in a flash. Night came and Chocolate and Whiskers hunted a restaurant for scraps. At 4:30 the kittens returned to their hiding spot. The two kittens ate the scraps of Weet-bix that fell down. They reached Canary Island at 11:00 a.m. The kittens snuck out on the tops of cars. They jumped off and started a long journey. At 12:00 the two kittens ate some cat-nip that happened to be nearby. After lunch they saw a path. They followed it and eventully they reached the north end. It was 3:00 when they saw a boat shaped like a cat come in. They hopped on along with several other cats and kittens. A cat led them into the ship. The cats and kittens were put into groups and sent to different rooms. Chocolate and Whiskers went with an orphan kitten named Blossem. "Why are you going to Cat Land?" asked Blossem. The Kittens said, "To get away from home." Blossem said that was the same reason she was going. The kittens had had a nap and then dinner was served. For dinner they had chicken and fish, followed by catnip for dessert. They lapped up some milk and dozed off for the night. When they awoke they saw Cat Land ahead of them. The had some cream and went aboard the deck. Cat Land was a small island with a lot of forest and one or two beaches. |