Celebration title

A Mother to Her Daughter

by: Emma Gray Trigg

What will you take from me
for your wayfaring?
What shall I have to give
You sould be sharing?

When you are lonely,
Traveling long,
When your feet falter
You will need song.

Music to march by,
Silver and gold,
Fire for warming you
If it be cold;

These things will comfort you,
Carry you far
On the road you are going.
But if a star

Tempt you to follow,
Wings will be needed,
Wings for flying,
Strong, unimpeded.

These I have fashioned
From pinions of light,
Caught as they fell
From a swift brid in flight.

I give you for courage
A light heart that sings,
And I who have never flown,
Give you my wings.

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