2. Write a story about how you felt in the orphanage and your move to your new home.
5 cheese points if it's a short story, 10 cheese points if it's long (2 paragraphs or more)(N)
3. Write an article about how mice are treated in today's society and how they should be treated.
15 cheese points (N)
4. Write what it's like living in cyber-space.
(5 cheese points for stories that are a paragragh or less, 15 for long ones (3 paragraphs or more with lots of creativity) (N)
5. Write an article for the Mouse News. It could be about anything, except it has to be mouse related.
15 cheese points (N)
6. Write a mousie poem.
10 cheese points (N)
7. Make a page for the Mouse Club (It has to be approved by me first so tell me what's going to be on your page before you do anything.)
50 cheese points
8. Suggest an activity. If the Mouse Club uses it,
5 cheese points
9. Do you have a special orphan mouse or a teenage mouse??? Tell us what it's like having one living in your home
25 cheese points for a long story, 10 for a short one. (N)
Get it??? Got it??? Good and good luck!!!
1. CLUE: diamond
2. CLUE: moon
3. CLUE: clock
4. CLUE: fiddlers
5. CLUE: rub-a-dub-dub
50 cheese points
1. CLUE: Two Bears
2. CLUE: Hunter
3. CLUE: Flying horse
4. CLUE: Swan
5. CLUE: a W or M
6. CLUE: maiden
7. CLUE: Two Dogs
*BONUS*: If you get this you get 10 cheese points
This group of stars are known as the seven sisters. What is the proper name???
That's all for now so keep checking back. There may be some contests or other activities going on. You will find it in the Mouse News
If you want to SPEND your cheese points, go to the General Store and see what you can "buy".