
Let's Help As We Pass

As we pass through life's narrow way
We should try to help someone every day.
We do not know what life has here for us
So we should do all we can without a fuss.

When our turn for help comes around
By helping others in our past we are found.
Remember, the one they pass may be your child
And this would surely drive you wild.

It could also be someone very special to you
And we know that there are only truly a few.
As you think of this and take in a deep sigh
I know you surely wouldn't want them to die.

So you need to help others from the heart
And this way you would have done your part.
Sometimes we see things not enjoyable to see,
But remember that next time it could be you or me.

Remember to do it with a heart of love
And you will be rewarded from above.
By doing this every day,
You become stronger in every way!

By: J.D. "Flipper" Harper


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Heaven's Heartbeat