Sam's iPod
*About FreeiPods
*About Me
*How to Help
*For Your Amusement
Welcome to my site! So, you are probably asking what is this? This is a site to get me a "relatively" free ipod. An iPod for those of us not born in my generation can be explained in the Lexicon along with the stats of the iPod I want(the stats will be explained ,I promise!. You are probably wondering "What is the point here?" and "What does she need from me?" Well I'm going to be honest, I need your support to buy this little iPod of mine...So if you are slightly interested, click on "How to Help" know you want to...go ahead,click it!!:) And thank you, for your time!
Oh, and if it helps...For you visual people, if you look at that pretty little picture I posted to the left of this text...well that is the iPod yours truly is trying to obtain!