the Adoption Zone
Hi. This adoption agency was an adoption agency where you could adopt a different animal every week; but due to the high demand of shrimps, and due to the fact that I do not have enought time to customize animals, my new plan is to have a new animal up for adoption each week, as well as all the old ones.
Here are the rules for adopting:
You must have a web page
You must place your animal on your page ASAP
You must link your animal back here
You can NOT alter my graphics any ANY way. I drew them, so they are mine!
Here is this weeks animal:
The shrimp! If you like this shrimp please take it, but you must follow the rules, or I will confiscate your shrimp.
This weeks animal is:
The clam! (Sorry, sorry, I'm into sea animals this month.) Remember to follow my rules.
This weeks animal(well I really wouldn't call him an animal...) is:
The silly Frederic Chopin! I think it's kinda cute, don't you? But remember you HAVE to link him to me or provide a link to me or else! Don't ask me how I came up with him; I don't know. I'm crazy.
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