This is dedicated to all my friends from IRC. :) Guys & Gals, this is for YOU!


InFiNiTy is well known in #nygh. She is considered one of the cutest gal from the channel, always talking rubbish with me! She also taught me the 1st html codes to make this homepage! Shuqin ah, somethings you don't have to wait wan. Don't make him wait and wait. Once he is gone he is gone. You get what I am talking right? Anyway, 2/4 1998 rulz!


Brucieeeeee... This guy is one of the most regulars from #nygh. But this guy keep buweeing me, making me cry. We did have a big fight b4, but that was the past. Brucie ah, don't so buaya liao. (you get what I mean right?) Anyway, don't sabo me liao, me really don't dare to meet you real life, later u sabo me like siao den I die~!


zHiYoNg~!~!~ He used to come IRC everyday, but ever since I met him, he didn't appear liao. I also dunno what happened to him. Maybe too busy with his studies or something! Anyway, he is a nice guy and he can really solve for you all the problems you have! Zhiyong ah, I really thank you for all the time you listened to me. It was really important to me! Thank You!


Qichang! She now, very little come irc liao. Also dunno what happened to her, but she is a very cute BUT noisy gal in #nygh channel! Qichang ah, don't always shout in the channel lah. Very noisy leh :)


Twin Brother! Ivan is my twin brother and he is currently studing in TCHS. Ivan is one of the longest pal I have made! And he really feels the same as me! Twin Ivan ah, Twin Sister will support you always! Love you and thinking of you forever!


Jordan yandao kia! My cute-cute friend! He is known as a big buaya. Buaya alot of girls wan. But sometimes, he can be rather nice and very funny! :) Jordan ah, dun always buaya buaya... Time for you to settle down already! May my blessings always be with you! Oei! Waiting for your wedding leh!


Weiming =-> HuShPuPpY! Yandao kia! This guy very bad to me! Always say I suan him when I never! Then, In his homepage, he say me so bad! Weiming! Why you so bad to me! Really very bad leh! I see liao, I very sad! Bo Sim wan lah you! Praised you yandao you don't want, still scold me and be very fierce to me! *s0bz* I deserve it meh? Very bad! :~(


TingZien, that's his name! He used to be my stead, but we broke off due to some reasons. Anyway, he is a computer expert, so if you have anything, feel free to ask him. He has his own server : Feel free to go there. He is the channel owner of #cablemp3. If you want mp3 files, he is the right guy to ask! TingZien Darling ah, I wish you and the girl you like be together forever! I love you always, you know that right! Anyway, I hope you remain just the way you are, and don't often be sad ok? Sad feelings are bad for health, and I don't want you to fall sick. I am sorry you didn't hear the dedication! It was really meant for you and TingZien, every word I say, I MEAN IT. I never lied to you ok? If i lied to you, I would be in an car accident tomorrow. I never meant to hurt you, but things got unfair, and I rather 'did' it, then mislead you:) God bless you always:) Love u always:)


AnneGaL!!!! This gal always see in main talking wan! That's how I got to know her too! From the main channel screen! She is alex_kia 68, and they seem very loving! :) Anne! Hope you and your 60 be happy forever! You are chio lah, don't always deny it leh! Never suan you hor!

JaPaNBoI or }Sherwin}

Yandao kia! This guy comfirm 100% very yandao! He looks like a japanese! Sherwin always sabo and buwee me wan, say this say that, s0bzs0bz..Break my heart you know! Sherwin Ydk ah, I hope you and Tiffany be together forever! Love you forever as a friend lah ( don't get the wrong idea ) HeE:) ~*MuEk*~

sIaOfEnDi or jUe|qInG

Zhongz! She is my zhongz of our cybergang : FendiTong! Fenditong Wan shui! :)) This zhongz called DuanLing, Known her through FeNd|BaBy aka Hui² Jie! Little is known about her, but she always come in go out wan, make me blur. Duanling Zhongz ah, I see your quit off msg is either very angry or very sad, don't always have this sort of moods ok? It's not good for health you know! :) Best wishes!

XiAoYuKi or |ssey|ian

Judy Dasa0! I known her from #sanchuan, but now since I never go there, but we often go same channel, so I can call call her loh. She very nice and cute, heard that she chio also? I dunno coz I never meet her before. Judy Dasao! I hope you and XiALaNBoI be together forever! Best Wishes:) Don't always sabo the guys on net leh, they very pathetic lidat! :)


KaNnY! Last time I used to think that Kan was very old, because of the way he speaks. But when I realised, he only sec 3! So funny wan! I got to know him through some saboing. Anyway, this guy sometimes very talkative, but sometimes whole day -=aWaY=- wan, so very funny. KaNnY dEaR, You competing on who have the most 68 izzit! You told me you got 30+ ah??? Bo sim wan lah you! *s0bz* Don't buaya so much, better settle down for a real one!