(The poem the girls recite often brings tears to many a leader and parent)
We take the portable coat rack and place a sheet over it and tie it back on the sides to represent the Brownie Window. This year we are hoping to have a folding window made.
We say:
Ill wear an owl on my blue sash
As a simple reminder to me
That once I was a Brownie
With so much to learn and see.
Ill remember taking turns
In a happy and cheerful way
How the Owls taught me to lend a hand
Each and every day
And even though Im excited
About joining the Guides in Blue
Ill remember being a Brownie
And show it in all that I do!
The Brownies are then pinned and as they go through the arch of younger Brownies & Leaders sing:
We are proud of you
Youll soon be wearing blue
Climb out the Brownie Window
The Girl Guides wait for you!
After they climb through the window the Guides say: "why are you here?"
Brownies say "because we want to join Girl Guides"
Guides say "are you ready for fun and challenge?"
Brownies say "yes"
Guides say "then welcome to Guides"