Kristin's Wild Animal Kingdom White Tiger

Geocities Featured Page

This page is dedicated to the animals of the world. I believe that they are our absolute greatest treasure in nature. The creatures of the wild, when in their natural settings, are the most beautiful sight on Earth. They are also absolutely invaluable to us, both as a pleasure and a necessity. Kitten Afterall, without the domestic animal, which has worked both for and with us, we would not be where we are today. Pets like cats and dogs have been shown to be incredible stress relievers for their loving owners.

Unfortunately, the wild animals of the world are in great danger... because of us. We hunt them for trophies, we burn their homes for agriculture and we cut down their shelters for wood. Without these animals the Earth cannot survive, they are a very important part of the ecology. More importantly, in losing them, we lose the most magnificant beauties and wonders of the natural world. No animal deserves to be unnaturaly and permanently wiped from existance by another species. Afterall, we are no more than animals ourselves and we would fight that fate until the bitter end. They, too, deserve a fighting chance.

From this page there are links to different parts of the world. Each has a few facts and pictures on some of the wildlife of that area. The lists are by no means complete, but rather they are a taste of the wildlife surrounding us. Most are ones that I feel are most beautiful and/or intriging. Just click on the map and enjoy!



Something to think about.

Critter Connections

What on EARTH does it all mean???
Ever been a bit confused when you here what is going on in the world today concerning the enviornment? If you have, I don't blame you! It is hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction. It is even harder to know what is meant by all of terms being thrown around. If you feel like you could use a little help....
Go find out WHAT IT ALL MEANS!

The rest of the page is kind of an "about the author" type of idea. If you want to know more about me here is where you have to look.


"The lasting pleasures of contact with the natural world are not reserved for scientists but are available to anyone who will place himself under the influence of earth, sea and sky, and their amazing life"
--Rachel Carson


Royal Nod Award EF Award of Excellence

10 Star Bar
I got 10 out of 10 stars!

Stars of the Forest Award EF Junior Leader Award

Thanks for checking my site out!

**Please note that I only take credit for some of the photographs in this site. Specifically, those that are found in my 'Photography' section (and of course the ones that are of and taken by friends and family). All other photos are borrowed from other sources, and in no way do I claim they are mine. Thanks!

Maintained by Kristin M. Streebel
Last updated: January 13, 2004