50+ Things ALL Girl Scouts should know & learn!
the Girl Scout Promise
the Girl Scout Law
how to make a Friendship Circle
how to pass on the friendship squeeze
how to give the GS handshake
what the GS quiet sign means
the GS motto
the GS slogan
the 5 worlds of Girl Scouting
the name of your council
the name/number of your service unit
your troop number
your leaders’ names
your patrol name
the names of the girls in your troop
how to call a flag ceremony
how to carry out a flag ceremony
the four signs in Junior Girl Scouting
the kinds of cookies we sell
the names of your council camps
the name of the founder of Girl Scouts
why we celebrate Thinking Day
when Thinking Day is
where badges and patches are placed on your uniform
what badges you have earned
the 4 special Girl Scout days
Juliette Gordon Low’s nickname
the five levels of Girl Scouting
the names and locations of the 4 World Centers
what a kaper chart is
how to tie a square knot
how to tie a half hitch knot
what a service project is
the six colors of Girl Scouting
where Daisy was born
when is Girl Scouting's birthday
how to tie a lark’s head knot
what an investiture/rededication ceremony means
the words to Make New Friends
the words to Taps
your troop leaders’ phone numbers
when Juliette Low’s birthday is
how to roll up a sleeping bag
how to dress for the weather
how to be a “good” buddy
what a Scout’s-Own is
how to pitch a tent
when Leader’s Appreciation Day is
how to make s’mores
what a dunk bag is
where Daisy was born
when is Girl Scouting's birthday
how to tie a lark’s head knot
what is a Wider-Op
who can participate in a Wider-Op
what is an IPP
how to set up a tarp/lean-to
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