Meeting Agenda


Patrol 'Job' descriptions

1.  Opening Ceremony -                                4:30 p.m.
2.  Old Business (in patrols)                           4:35 p.m.
3.  New Business (in patrols)                         4:40 p.m.
4.  Welcome Guest (if any - names, etc)        4:55 p.m.
5.  Troop Meeting                                        5:10 p.m.
6.  Activity                                                    5:20 p.m.
7.  Clean - Up                                              5:45 p.m.
8.  Closing Ceremony                                   5:55 p.m.

Opening Ceremony - needs to be on time and prepared!
Clean-up - coordinates everyone cleaning up - then sweeps/mops if needed.
Closing Ceremony - must stay to close and be prepared!
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Beluga - Caitlin            Gray - Katie            Blue - Breanna
Maintain order within your patrol.  Present info. from the leaders to your patrol.
Present the ideas of your patrol to the troop during troop meeting.  Lead by example!
(Using the Girl Scout Promise and Law)

Beluga - Marisa           Gray - Christina          Blue - Jessica
 Take over any position when that girl is not at the meeting.  Assume’s the duty of
Patrol leader if the current patrol leader is NOT doing her duty. (until the next
election/selection is made)

Beluga - Ashley           Gray -  Megan             Blue - Alyssa
 Coordinates with the Leader’s to do any necessary shopping.  Maintains the bank
check registry.  Assists your patrol with budgeting for an activity or event.  Goes to the
bank with the Leader to make deposits, etc.  Collects any money from girls/parents for
events, dues, etc. and writes out receipts for each - makes sure the TROOP treasurer gets
ALL the paperwork and money.

Beluga - Brittany       Gray - Stephanie        Blue - Debbie
 Takes notes during the business part of the meetings.  Assists the leader’s to
maintain the girls records in your patrol.  Prepare and collect any/all paperwork that is
due.  (filing in appropriate areas)

 Collects all money, receipts, etc. from the patrol treasurers, double checks all figures and
keep the banking records updated.  She will also learn and use computer skills by
updating the website.  Which will include replying to any email sent to the troop, (after a
leader has read it!)  so she will need to have her own email address.

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