Peace Arch S*W*A*P*S

This page is being created as I look at the many swaps that
were traded for.  But, first a little about the Peace Arch and
"Hands across the Border", so someone may understand a
little better.
This is an annual event held in Blaine, WA. on the second
Sunday in June.  Interstate 5 across the border into Canada
is closed for approximately three (3) hours for this
ceremony.  United States citizens line up facing the
Peace Arch.  This line can be as long as a mile or more.
The Canadian citizens line up, facing the Peace Arch and
this line is also very long.  They are both four (4) deep and
the lines progress towards each other until they meet on the
United States side and then walk together through the
Peace Arch to the Canadian side.  Forming two sides as they
they're completely through for the rest of the lines to
finish walking through.
There is a Flag Ceremony, in which both the United States
and Canada flags are raised simultaneously on their
respectful sides of the Peace Arch.
Both National Anthems played and sung!
The number of people, both children and adults is
phenomenal.  All with different kinds of swaps.  However,
not everyone will swap.  Which is disappointing for the
younger ones that worked just as hard on theirs, to
make a new friend from a different area.  Most of the
non-traders I found (actually all that I encountered - but
we didn't get to swap with everyone) were from the
United States.  The Canadian's seem more than
willing to trade with anyone, except those that were there
specifically to trade patches and pins.  <Understandable>
Now, this list is in no particular order at this time... I'll try to organize them later!
I wanted to get the list together as soon as possible to share with all.
As I go through my swaps and my daughters, I will add to the list.  I'm sure someone
out there can use something on this list!  Have fun... remember the one's listed here
are made pretty easily and quickly because the children were having to think

My directions for many are probably confusing so just email me and I will try to better.
I just typed what I was looking at... of course with no pictures you can't see them!

Good Luck and let me know if you use any of them and how they turned out.

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