Another leader suggested to take dye mixed with water
and freeze it.
Make crushed ice and then take plain white hankies and
let the girls
place their color chips wherever they want. Put
them in the sun and let
them melt and dry for a really cool bandana.
You use " 1 litre of water, 1 pakage of Kool Aid(any colour),
1 to 2
tablespoons of white vinegar, 1 ounce of scoured wool,
Follow the stated proportions, and put the correct amount
of water into
a stainless steel pot. Dissolve the Kool Aid in a cup
of warm water and
add this along with the vinegar to the pot. Add the wetted
fibres and
bring the pot slowly to a simmer, leaving it there for
20-30 minutes.
The water should be almost colourless by this time. Let
the pot and
contents cool down to room temperature,then rinse the
fleece in
lukewarm water, and lay it out flat on a towel to dry.
Very easy to do!