    Small can, plexi-glass, acetate, and colorful beads.

1. Poke a hole large enough to see through in the metal bottom of a
    clean potato chip can.
2. Using a 2 3/8" by 9 5/8" pattern, cut three pieces of mirror, Plexiglas
    or acetate, and slide them into the can so that their tops form a triangle.
    For Plexiglas and acetate, slide a matching piece of black construction
    paper behind each piece; for acetate, add cardboard behind the paper
    to give it body.
3. Cut out a circular piece of acetate to fit on top of the triangle inside
    the can.
4. Line the inside of the can between the acetate circle and the top of
    the can (about 3/4") with construction paper to hold the circle in place.
5. Fill this area with small, shiny, colorful objects, put on the plastic top,
    and decorate the outside.
6. To make even more professional - put a colored 2 - 3" band of thin
    cardboard around the outside of the can after decorating the can. Hold
    the band and turn the tube for easier viewing.

The mirror is unnecessary if you use Plexiglas. The height of the pieces
allows a space at the end of the can (about 3/4") to put the colored pieces
- beads, paper clips, rhinestones, colored flakes of acetate (that has been
colored with permanent markers), pieces of Plexiglas that have also been
colored with markers, and etc. inside the can but on top of the triangle
formed by the three pieces of straight Plexiglas. By using black
construction paper behind the Plexiglas - it works like a mirror.

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