How Do I Get My Troop Started?

 1. Meet with your organizer, fill out the volunteer personnel application and return it to the organizer for approval.  Get the name of the other volunteer leader for your troop.  Your organizer will give you a rough draft roster of the girls assigned to your troop when you are ready.  Take the necessary training for your council.  Usually a welcome, a basic leadership and an age level training.  Other trainings will be offered but these three (3) are the usual required ones.

 2. Meet with your other leader/ CO-leader.  Decide on a time, day and place to meet.   Discuss options for collecting dues and the direction you want to take in the Girl Scout Program.  Set a date and place for your initial parent meeting.  If you will meet in a public building, make the necessary arrangements with the building supervisor. Use the Site Safety Checklist to determine if the site is appropriate for your use.

 3. Call the parents of the girls.  Check the information given to you by the organizer (including each girl's former troop number, if applicable).  Check that the meeting time, date and place are agreeable to the parents.  (Call the organizer with the names of any girls who decide not to join your troop.)  Remind parents to bring a checkbook to the parents' meeting.  It is also helpful to remind the parents to bring emergency contact phone numbers and addresses, as well as immunization records.

 4. Make an appointment with the Service Unit Registrar to pick up registration forms and receive instructions on completion.

 5. Before you hold the parent meeting, be sure to have sufficient supplies of the following forms.  These forms should be available from your registrar or service unit manager.

 Registration Forms - Computer printed forms for returning girls, blank forms for new girls.

 Health History/Authorization for Medical Treatment - Actually two forms that are frequently printed back-to-back to save paper on field trips.  No one, including an adult, can attend a field trip without these completed forms.  It may be helpful to you later to have any adults who will helping throughout the year complete the forms now.

 Permission Slip for Troop Meeting Place - A basic permission slip to cover all meetings held in the regular meeting place.  Some leaders include a second paragraph to cover small field trips held within 5 miles of the regular meeting place.

 Troop Transportation Form - Information about vehicles to be filled out by any parent who will help drive the girls on a field trip.

 Parent Resource Survey -  An aid to soliciting support from the parents for your troop activities.

 Behavior Agreement - A document explaining the type of behavior you expect from the girls at all activities, and the consequences of not following the agreement. To be signed by the parents and the girls.  (You may want two copies, one for troop records and one for the parents.)

 Financial Aid Form - Parents or Troop Leaders can apply directly to GSTC for financial aid if they need to.  They do not need to turn the form in through the troop or service unit.  This form should be given out to all parents so no one has to ask for it.

 Information on uniform and handbooks.  Let parents know that the only mandatory uniform is the pin; however, you may request that each girl have at  least a sash or vest on which to keep their recognition’s.  Sashes and handbooks  may be provided by Council for those that cannot afford them.  Fill out the form and send to Council.  You may have families that may be embarrassed about receiving these.  You might consider giving it to the girl and telling them that you had some extras  from before that someone didn’t need and turned in and that she may have them if she wants them.

 6. Hold the parent meeting.  You may wish to invite your level
consultant to attend so they can help answer any questions your parents may have.

 7. Open a troop checking account and deposit the checks from the parents into the troop checking account.  Write one troop check for registration.  Record the names of the girls and adults who registered.  It is also helpful to record the membership number of anyone who is re-registering.  (Note: the signature of either a Service Unit Manager or Service Unit Treasurer must be on your troop account).

 8. Compile a new roster and return it to the Registrar with the
registration forms, registration check, training already received by the leader & CO-leader, along with the Cookies and QSP manager for your troop.  (If your troop gains or loses members throughout the year, please be sure to update the roster and turn it in to the Registrar.  This is especially helpful when we are preparing for the next year.)

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