The "REAL" Definitions of Girl Scout Terms
As you read these PLEASE keep your sense of humor!
Troop Committee:
Family Appeal Chairman - Calls parents to tell them the
leader needs money to send in.
Cookie Chairman - Parent with a garage and a pick up
truck or van.
Emergency Contact - Parent who is always home except
when you need them.
Telephone Chairman - Calls to tell parents what was
in the note sent home.
Transportation Chairman - Parent with station wagon
or van.
Types of Troop Government:
Brownie Ring - Circle of chairs that girls run around.
Town Meeting - Chairs all face the same way but girls
Patrol System - Small groups of chairs - girls all
in the bathroom.
Girl Scout Glossary:
Badge - A small, round patch on a girl's sash that she
can't remember what she did to get.
Bridging - A ceremony in which girl is given her honorable
discharge from the troop.
Brownie - Short girl in brown dress which is either
2 sizes too big or 1 size too small.
Buddy System - Pairing of girls which guarantees they
will never be in the same place at the same time.
Cadette - Tall girl who would rather be caught dead
than seen in uniform.
Candle lighting - Ceremony in which a Girl Scout demonstrates
that she cannot light a match.
Color Guard - Group of Girl Scouts tripping over each
other while banging flag poles into door jambs.
Court of Awards - Ceremony parents attend to make sure
their daughter got more badges
than the neighbor's
Court of Honor - Mythical part of the patrol system.
Daisy - Very short girl with blue smock covering all
food, paint, and grubby hand stains on
regular clothes.
Fly-Up - Brownie ceremony similar to Bridging ceremony,
but girls are booted out of the nest as well.
Friendship Circle - Girls standing in circle trying
to out-squeeze each other's hands.
Girl Scout Sign - Girl holding up 3 fingers so she
has something to look at while saying her promise.
Girl Scout Week - A week on the calendar, sometime
in March, that overstressed leaders can't
seem to think
of anything special to do to celebrate it.
Investiture - Ceremony in which girl forgets her promise
after practicing it at least 25 times
that afternoon.
Junior - Medium size girl dressed in green with sash
falling off shoulder.
Juliette Low's Birthday - Usually called Halloween
because that's more "fun".
Kaper - Fancy name to trick the girls into cleaning
the latrine.
Kaper Chart - Poster board announcing, for all to see,
who gets to clean the latrine.
Motto - Be Prepared, but any experienced leader actually
knows it's Be Flexible.
Neighborhood/Service Unit - A geographical subdivision
of a council with a fancy name to
confuse new
leaders as to where they belong.
Patrol - Group of 6 - 8 girls who used to be best friends.
Quiet Sign - Hand signal invented by leader with laryngitis.
Ranger - Man in charge of scout camp -- can see gum
wrapper under a tent 50 yards away.
Scout's Own - A ceremony where no-one contributes anything
and everyone wonders what
is coming
Service Team - Group of adults that muddles along trying
to convince everyone else they
are great
Sit-Upon - A mat or pad, usually somewhere else when
you really need it.
Thinking Day - Special Guiding and Scouting day when
leaders worldwide wonder why they are
spending more
than an hour a week on somebody elses girls.
Troop - Large group of girls dedicated to making leader
Try-It - Triangular piece of colored cloth on a girl's
sash/vest that shows she's been showing up
to meetings.
WAGGGS - What leaders do with their index fingers to
girls that are misbehaving.
Four Program Goals For Girls:
1. To Develop to Her Full Individual Potential.
Translation: You are a very small cog in a very big machine.
2. To Relate to Others With Increasing Understanding,
Skill, and Respect.
Translation: You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
3. To Develop Values to Guide Her Actions and to Provide
the Foundation for Sound Decision-making.
Translation: Never Miss a Meeting or a Deadline
4. To Contribute to the Improvement of Society Through
the Use of Her Abilities and Leadership
Skills, Working
in Cooperation With Others.
Translation: Sell Cookies and collect for Family Appeal.
Source and thanks to: Mountain View Girl Scout Neighborhood
in Vancouver, Washington.
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