EF Kewl Kids on how to handle the pressure from your peers when they are talking about drugs. NO TO DRUGS forget to try it.Simply SAYING NO THANKS often works when you are faced with friendly or teasing pressure. However it is important that you understand that sometimes SAYING NO THANKS doesn't work. You need to develop the knowledge and confidence that there are other refusal skills.You need to keep trying until you find one that does work. that in order to avoid peer pressures about drug abuse,gangs or violence that sometimes you can GIVE A REASON OR EXCUSE. You have to always have a reason or excuse stored in your memory,that way when it is time to use it you will do so without hesitation and sound confident. It is important that the reason or excuse you use must serve its main purpose- to get them away from the person making the offer. You should not get into an argument with the person making an offer-it is an argument you are not likely to win! as necessary is an effective refusal technique when you need to position yourself so that you may use one of the other refusal techniques. This skill may serve as a stall technique. to fully understand that you have a Rightto Say No to offers which involve making bad choices.Time and time again, you may feel obligated to stand and face "the enemy". You need to put one foot in front of the other! WALK AWAY or otherwise avoid pressure. Learn that you can CHANGE THE SUBJECT, or very simply talk and talk and talk about anything but the offer put before you. Eventually, if you keep talking long enough the opportunity to WALK AWAY or utilize another refusal skill will present itself. so that they know where they are going and who you are going with? If it is a place where you don't want to tell your parents that it is probably a place that you shouldn't be. Common sense tells us there are places and times when the risks of pressures and violence are increased. You must simply AVOID THOSE SITUATIONS! provides you with the opportunity to avoid directly confronting a person making an offer involving a bad choice. You do not have to talk-you can look the other way, turn your shoulder or start a conversation with someone else. You need to know how to buy some time until you can use another refusal skill. The truth is simple- if our you surround yourself with friends that make good choices, you too will likely make good choices- if you surround yourself with friends who make bad choices, you too will likely make bad choices. One of the most important choices you can make is your choice of friends. drugs. We don't want anyone getting hurt or doing something that may hurt someone else. You, even at a young age, can provide a great example for other kids when you say no to drugs. You need to have enough respect for yourself and others to not do that to your body or cause any risk or harm to another person. Adults know that there is a draw to feel included in a certain group that you want to be included in but you have to know that these are not the people you want to associate with because it can be harmful or fatal. Instead make those people who are trying to pull you in, aware of what they are doing to themselves and potentially to another person. you that you have to do something but later in life you will appreciate learning to go by the rules. Find a good person that you know well to act as your role model and try to do as well as that person. Know that they are human though and do make mistakes but choose to learn from those mistakes and not make them again and again. When others give you a responsibility to uphold then do your best to let them know that you can be relied apon again. Become active in things around you so that you can get to know a wide range of people and do more positive things. Don't be afraid to go to someone you know well and respect for support if you need it. It will help you get through those rough times. Maybe it will enable you to be able to help a friend when they are in need and won't go to an adult with their problem.
an example for them and be their role model. Also provide a strong, loving relationship with your children, by teaching standards of right and wrong, by setting and enforcing rules for behavior, by knowing the facts about alcohol and other drugs, by watching for any warning signs and by really listening to your children. center> Lots of thanks to Yahoo! GeoCities our kewl home on the web!!! Lounge |