What If?

What if your bestfriend wants to go  somewhere you are not allowed to go?

I know that sometimes it is really hard to do the right thing when your friends want you to go somewhere or do something when your parents have said no. Your parents have a very good reason for setting rules, they want to keep you safe. If your friends are really giving you a hard time, it may be hard, but tell them no. A good friend will understand that it is your parents' rule and that you should follow the guidelines your parents have set for you. Try suggesting something you are allowed to do, and if this doesn't work, then it may be time to look at how "good" this friend really is by not respecting you for doing the right thing. 

What if while at a friend's house, he wants to play with his Dad's gun?

Guns are something we never play with. If your friend wants to show you a gun, tell him no then tell an adult. Now if you think this is tattling or ratting on your friend, keep in mind, I would much rather tell an adult then to see my friend get seriously hurt. I don't care if he says the gun isn't loaded, no one will find out or "nothing will happen", you never know what could happen and your friend may be wrong. If someone is playing with guns, leave and tell an adult. 

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