LinkExchange Member | Free Home Pages at GeoCities |
Hi, My name is Autumn and I am your Enchanted Forest Community Leader.
A Community
Leader is someone who is here to help you when you have questions about
your Geocities
homepage. If you have a question or a problem when writing your home
page, using the Geocities
Editors, or if you are wondering if something you would like to include
on your page is with in the
Enchanted Forest Guidelines, feel free to write me and I will do my
best to help you find the answer or solution. I visited your page this
morning, you have done a good job beginning your page. I did notice that
you have not added a link back to Geocities on your page. This link must
appear on each page that you create in Geocities and is the only thing
that Geocities requires you to have in exchange for your free home page.
You can find the HTML code for this link at
and you can add this code anywhere
you think it looks best on your page, but it must be included on every
page. If you have any questions or problems adding this link, just let
me know and I will try to help you to find an easy way to add it.
You can also find an excellent resource page located at
and hopefully, it will help you with some of the
more basic questions or problems you might have in beginning you home
page. Keep up the good
work! Your page looks great! I will check back in a few days to see
if you have added this link.
Autumn Lang
Enchanted Forest Community Leader
More Links:
Content Guidelines
and Enchanted Forest Guidelines
Geocities FAQ
Answers to Common Questions
Geocities Enchanted Forest Leaders Page
Enchanted Forest Newsletter
GeoKidz Club
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