Directions:  Read about weather and then answer the questions below.

Three basic types of Clouds

Cumulus Cloud
A Cumulus cloud is the fluffy kind of cloud.  They look like a bunch of cotton balls put together.  You will notice that these clouds often change shape.

Cirrus Cloud
A Cirrus cloud is special because they are not made of water, but of tiny ice crystals.  This cloud is often nicknamed the Mare's Tail because they often look like the tail of a horse.

Stratus Cloud
A Stratus cloud is gray in color and hands low to the ground.  These clouds are quite large forming a blanket over the earth.

Thunder and Lightning

Did you know thunder and lightning happen at the same time?
You see lightning first because light travels faster than sound.

To determine how far away a storm is count the number of seconds between the time you see lightning and you hear the thunder.  Then divide the number of seconds you counted by 5.  You answer is the number of miles a store is away from you.

Why is the sky blue?
You have probably learned that light contains many colors not just blue.  So why is the sky blue?  The sky is blue because only blue light bounces off the gases in the sky.


Did you know that there are no two snowflakes alike?  
Snowflakes have 6 sides called hexagons.

1. Which sences do you use to obsever thunder and lightning?

Circle your answers:  Sight    Taste    Touch     Hearing      Smell

2. How many different types of basic clouds are there?   ___________

3.  How many sides does a snowflake have? _____________

4.  What type of cloud is fluffy? __________________

5.  What words would you use to describe a snowflake?


6. What does light bouce off of to make the sky blue? __________________

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